Chapter 1

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"Did the men you send in get the weapon?"

"Yes, with no casualties, I told you there was nothing to worry about."

"Don't be so sure General, we don't know what Russia could be planning."

"Trust me, I trust the Russians as far as I can throw them but right now we just have to trust them."

"I know, but you better hope those men leave that country safe and sound."

Moscow, Russia
9:05 AM
Viper Team Alpha
Pvt Y/N L/N

We were driving for around 30 minutes before we reached the local military base, I could tell everyone was on edge since Snow's fingers were twitching, Taylor was gripping the wheel harder then he should be and Stalker was keeping a constant watch on anyone that looked at us. Taylor eventually stopped the car but kept it on.

"Stalker stay in the car with Y/N, Snow you're with me."

"Got it."

They both got out the car with the weapon and walked toward what looked like a high ranking official.

"So, about that promise you made, mind telling me more about it?"

I couldn't understand why he wanted to know more.

"Look man, I may look like the secretive type but trust me none of us here keep any serious secrets, at this we are family, and to us you're the new little brother."

"Nice sentiment, you know what you ain't so bad."

"Again, that's what they all say."

I chuckled and Stalker went back to watching everyone. Snow and Taylor eventually got back into the car and we started driving out of the base, Stalker seemed to ease up and leaned forward.

"Now what? We go home?"

Snow seemed to be falling asleep and Taylor hit him on the shoulder.

"So far it looks like it, but anything can change."

Taylors radio turned on and we all sighed.

"Command the weapon has been delivered and we are heading home."

"Copy that Viper 1, have a safe flight."

We all let out a sigh of relief, I could tell we all wanted to get out of the cold.

Washington State Airport
1:00 AM

We had just received our suitcases and were walking to meet the person driving us to the nearby military base.

"Hey Stalker I'm surprised they didn't pull you aside when they saw your gear."

Stalker ignored Snow's comment, the man looked like he had gone a whole week without sleep.

"Not gonna talk, ok then."

We had managed to fall asleep on the flight, Stalker made sure no assassin killed us in our sleep. We all got into the car waiting for us and we started driving toward the base we called home, when we got there we got situated and went toward the command center, general Reed was waiting for us.

"Welcome back to the U.S.A gentleman, Russia is going to deliver the weapon to us in 2 days, and I want you to be there."

Taylor stepped forward.

"We'll be there sir, you can count on us."

"Good to hear, but first get some actual sleep, I hear jet lag can really screw with a person."

"We will sir, thank you."

We all went to the barracks where we finally slept peacefully after days in a hostile country.

The next day

Taylor woke us all up at around 10:00 AM, we apparently had a job to do, Snow of course was the most curious.

"Taylor can you please explain to me why you woke us up early when we have yet to adjust to our countries time zone?"

"We're in the Army Rangers Snow, we don't have the luxury of sleeping in, you're lucky I even let you sleep past 9:00."

Snow went quiet and I looked at Stalker, he shrugged and we followed Taylor toward the command center after we got our gear on. Taylor walked up to the general and we moved closer to hear.

"Sir, we're ready to go."

"Excellent timing captain, I know you and your squad barely got any sleep but you are needed."

"What is it sir?"

"We've been having reports of disturbances near the Lincoln Memorial, I want you to patrol the area."

Taylor seemed confused but I could tell he was giving us something easy since our sleep schedules got messed up.

"Is that all sir?"

"Yes captain, try not to unsettle the civilians."

"Uh...yes sir."

Taylor seemed to storm off and we followed him, he got into a jeep and we hopped in. We drove to the memorial and started walking around, I think Snow must have got his mouth back since he was talking again.

"Hey Taylor you seemed mad, what's up?"

"I'm just shocked he put us on patrolling duty."

"Personally I don't care, we're all running on around 5 to 6 hours of sleep, so this is a break to me."

"I guess Snow, but I'm just not used to it."

I fell behind them and rested my Scar on my shoulder, I looked over at the reflecting pool and stopped walking.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?"


"You never walk out this far, is something wrong?"

"No...everythings fine."

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned my head and looked at Stalker.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just spacing out."

His eyes told me he doubted me but he didn't question me further, I caught up with him and started talking to him.

"So, I never asked, what's with the gear?"

"Oh look at you, asking me questions when you won't even answer mine."

I wasn't sure if he was about to try and get answers out of me.

"Come on man, it's a simple question."

"You completely zoned out when looking at a big body of water, who does that? I'll tell you who, people that are having a flashback or have crippling aquaphobia, and I don't think you have aquaphobia. Plus back in Moscow when asked about the person you made a promise to you completely dodged the question."

I think he did this often, because he got me, but I wasn't going to give him the full story.

"Fine, you want an answer for Moscow or now?"

"I think I'll take Moscow for the time being."

"Okay, but you keep this to yourself."

"You have my word."

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