Chapter 9

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God damnit Niall... So cute and hot... Aaaaannnnyyyywwwaaaaayysss... Hai. How are you? Lol, alright I'm done, here you go.
(Louis' POV) *A week later*
So peaceful... and beautiful in her sleep. I can't imagine my life without her.
"Hmmm... Babe? I'm cold." she mumbles, waking up.
"Alright... I can fix that." I whisper in her ear, scooting closer to cuddle.
"Thanks. I love you." She whispers.
"I love you too... You know it's almost noon right?" I ask.
"Shit! No! Crap, I gotta get ready!"
"Why? What's today?"
"It's Natalie's birthday!"
"Does Harry know? I hope so."
"Yea, I told him yesterday." she says, putting on a pair of blue jeans.
"Liz?" She doesn't look at me. "Lizzy? Elizabeth!" I stress.
"What?! Don't ever call me that."
(Lizzy's POV)
"...Elizabeth!" He stresses, making flashes of my dad whipping me with his belt, and my mother slapping me over and over again, flash through my head.
"What?! Don't ever call me that." I say, my voice cracking a a single tear going down my face. This is the day, the day my parents were taken to jail for child abuse.
"Why? What wrong? Babe, are you ok?" He questions, worried.
"Nothing, it's fine." But nothing is ever fine.
(Harry's POV)
"Happy birthday! I love you babe!" I scream, rolling over onto Nat.
"Hmmm, babe. I'm tired! Few more minutes? Please." she pleads.
"I'm sorry? Were you begging? I do believe I like you begging! Do it again." I say.
"Please? Baby, I love you too." She begs. I lean down and start kissing her neck, until I find her soft spot.
(Niall's POV)
Stupid Liam, stupid sickness. Kat is currently with Liam in the kitchen taking medicine. I get up and go to the stairs, crouching behind the railing so they can't see me.
"Ugh! This tastes terrible!" Kat refuses to take the medicine.
"Please, Kat! You won't get better if you don't take it!"
"No! My body can heal itself!"
"You won't be able to kiss Niall." Liam warns.
"Uh... Well... Fine." she says obviously mad. She takes the medicine away from him and pushes him away. She downs it, and gags. "Ugh! Gross, ew, nasty, revolting, disgusting." She lists.
"Good job babe." I surprise her, making her jump.
"Ah! Niall! You didn't hear any of that!"
"Okay! But, I think I heard something." I wink at her. "Let's go." I pick her up, bridal style, and carry her up to my room, kissing her all the way up the stairs.
"I... Love... You." I say in between the kisses.
"I love... you... too! Ah!" She squeals when I get to her soft spot.
"Ah ha! I found it!" I joke around.
"No!" She jokes, running around my room, hiding from me. I catch her and pin her against the wall.
"I got you." I say simply, and start making out with her.

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