Chapter 10~ Lizzy's Day

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Hey guys, this chapter will be in Lizzy's POV only and I made a new story last night so if you could please go and check it out, that would be amaZAYN. Haha, thanks.
"Break it up you two! Come on now! We have an interview to go to!" I yell at Kat and Niall. "And we have to get there extra early so they now what to say about the now people in-" I get cut off.
"One Direction!" Louis finishes, coming up behind me and hugging me. Zayn and everybody else comes out of their rooms, having to have just woken up, to join the conversation.
"Oh yes, this shall be fun." Liam smirks, coming from the kitchen. "What with the pressure of the questions, and management, and the interviewer may not even like us!" Liam continues to say.
"Shut up, Liam! Just shut up!" Kat screams and runs off to the bathroom then slams the door behind her.
"Great, look at what you did Liam, she's sick and she's scared now as well! Way to go mate, really great job." Niall snaps sarcastically. He goes to comfort her but Zayn holds out his arm, blocking the archway to the hall.
"I wouldn't, mate. Give her a little time to herself, she needs to think, sort things out. Leave her to her thoughts mate, she'll come around." Zayn explains.
"Fine, if you know her so well, why don't you go talk to her!" Niall snapped.
"I have three sisters, I know girls better than any of the rest of you boys, so I will go talk to her." He turns sharply towards where Kat went and waves towards Natalie and myself. "Since you two have known her your whole lives, you know her better than any of us, right?"
"No, actually. She mostly keeps to herself, like if she gets hurt then she won't tell us unless it's about to get serious." Natalie speaks up.
"Yea, she doesn't like talking a whole lot. If she spills out her past to you, she trusts you, and her trust is not something she just hands out." I warn him.
"Okay, then she's not so different than me." He sasses and continues walking.
A/N K well that's kinda like a filler only that's the chapter. I know it's short but I'm really sick, I can't even talk, not like I ever do anyways. Whatever, thanks for all the reads guys. Love you all! Also, shout out to readergurl246 for being absolutely amaZAYN and go check out her fanfic for Niall! Also, Lizzy is ImReallyRandom for those of you who don't know this already.

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