01. For The Love Of Seven Siblings.

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black magic.
act one, always something.
chapter one, for the love of seven siblings.

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july 1993


"Actually, John Lennon is the only dead Beatle—"

"Actually, your music taste is shit so fuck you!"

The string of words that echoed off the walls of the small, arched living room weren't even the beginning of the chaos that was the early morning happenings in the Byrnes household.

Alita and Aadhya Byrnes were stood on opposite sides of the room, furious gazes set determinedly into the other's features, their bodies in a position nearing that of readying for attack. Alita's lips curved upwards into an entertained smile, her eyebrows quirking skyward as her expression morphed from that of offence into that of pure amusement.

"You kiss our mum with that mouth?" She pushed, watching as her youngest sister squirmed beneath her own raw irritation.

"The Weird Sisters aren't even music!" Aadhya shouted persistently with her grip on sanity clearly slipping away as she realized she was incapable of winning the fight she had begun.

"If you'd ever bother to listen to the Weird Sisters, you'd understand—"

"That they aren't music!" Aadhya slowly retreated up the stairs just behind her in an effort to get away from the argument she'd started.

"You'd understand that their whole vibe is why they're so famous!" Alita insisted, her hand flying into the air in an attempt to get her point across as she followed her sister's footsteps up the spiraled staircase. "They have this chill, Indie rock type feel—"

Black Magic ─── Percy Weasley ¹. Where stories live. Discover now