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I'm sure you can tell how this story is going to go. When a child of any race, gender,, or ethnicity, comes to the age 16, they receive a soul mark.

Soul mark
/sõl märk/
noun: Soul mark; plural noun: Soul marks

A marking on a person's body, hinting at who their soulmate, or soulmates, are.

/ˈsōl ˌmāt/
noun: soulmate; plural noun: soulmates

a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

What the marking will specifically will be, nobody can say. It can be a name of the persons soulmate, the first words they say that you hear, a hand print of where they first touch you, a timer counting down to when they meet you, there's an endless amount of soulmarks, much to many to name.

Soulmates don't always have the same type of mark, it's quite rare in truth. One could have a handprint, the other the name of their soulmate. However, they can always interact with the others mark. Along with, you get this feeling, you can just tell. It's hard to explain.

That all being said, so I'm sure you could imagine the excitement coursing through Romans veins the day they were to get their mark.  

And the sadness that followed when they realized they weren't getting one.

The soulless are some of the rarest people on the planet. There's nothing wrong with them per say, 

However humans will continue to shun what they cannot understand...

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