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Author: well it's good to see all you for the first time in a while

???: where have you been?

Author: being lazy Jason, being lazy. Anyway introduce yourselves, where your from and something noteworthy

Rei: I'm Rei Knightingale, from attack on Titan, I'm a Titan shifter

Raven: I'm Raven diamond, from Steven universe, daughter of black diamond

Ninja: I'm Jason Eiji, from miraculous ladybug, also called the ninja, I'm a self aware Mary Sue the author hates

Author: don't push your luck

Blake: I'm Blake, agent 047, from and occasional ally to overwatch, I used to work for MI6

Aine: I'm aine (awn-ya), from Steven universe, I'm a stripper

Nat: I'm Natasha Parker, Spider-man of earth 20, from the marvel multiverse, daughter of Felicia Hardy and Peter Parker

Winter: I'm winter, from Pokemon, I'm an ice type gym leader

Bloodstone: I'm bloodstone, from Steven universe (not ronaldo), I'm a male gem and a mistake

Mephis: and I am Mephis, the author, I look forward to see what happens

Blake: you know no one will read this right

Mephis: *groans* your probably right

Well, ask away, open to everything and anything

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