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ThatonebakedPotahto asked
Raven i dare you to prank Lapis by giving her an atomic wedgie

Mephis: not what I was expecting for a first ask if I'm being honest

Raven: well why not, let's go

*Mephis summons a portal to Lapis and Peris barn and walk through*

Raven: I've never actually been up here. Is Steven here?

Mephis: doesn't look like it, better hide

*the two hide behind the barn noticing Peridot marathoning camp pining hearts and Lapis gardening*

Mephis:  Alright go right ahead

*Raven starts to walk up to Lapis back, the wind blows, Raven starts to walk back

Mephis: you haven't done it, why you back

Raven: bit of a problem, she's going commando under that dress

Mephis: ... doesn't surprise me, let me try something

*Mephis clicks his fingers, the wind shows she's now wearing underwear*

Mephis: Alright, try again

*Raven slowly walks up to Lapis, she waits for the wind to blow her dress, Raven reaches*


*Raven starts running away from Lapis, Mephis Summons a portal back to camp , Lapis uses the small pond by the barn to try and squash Raven. Bothe Raven and Mephis get through the portal before the water hits Raven. Lapis tried to fly through the portal but Mephis closes it before she can come through*

Blake: how did it go?

Raven and Mephis: Alright

Rei: why are you two wet?

Raven and Mephis: ...

Mephis: it was raining, anyway onwards, ask away


*Peridot comes outside*

Peridot: what happened?

Lapis: someone gave me an atomic wedgie

Peridot: ... but you don't wear underwear?

*Lapis and Peridot stave confused*

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