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     Where does mine come from? My label originated from both Greek and Hebrew history. The Hebrew definition is Victory, like the sun at noon. It's vast rays conquering over anything else trying to stand in it's way. But it should never abhor others. Though night will come forth, an even so the sun always shines as we can't see it. It's affinity to never stop glowing makes it a wonder to others. Victory is my talisman.

     In Greek, my name means Laurel, like the tree or bush. And this meaning, I think is a good representation of me. Laurel bushes are evergreen, so they can stand proud all year, withstanding harsh conditions. Very much like laurels, I can be exceptionally placid. And similar to a tree, my leaves may fall... Even so, they always grow back, stronger than before. I don't bemoan forever... It may be simple, but it is implacable. I hear a voice inside me, telling me it is so. It makes me proud to be... me.

The VoiceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang