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     I was always different, the odd one out. My ears prefer strange gray music, my tongue seems to avoid anything green. I don't like to talk sometimes, but my mind goes around the rainbow of a world. They say not to hold your shaded feelings inside, because one day, you will explode. But they don't understand, I am capable of keeping my dark feelings locked, never, to be unleashed. That voice in the back of my mind helps me, tells me to remain emotionless, to numb all of the hurt from the mind, feeling nothing. If I do explode, it will be my journals that are blown to smithereens, not me...

     My sister likes pink, my brother likes blue, I like gold and black, black is where my secrets lay, in that eternal abyss of nothingness, gold is what I hope to be, though I hope too much... I like those colors, but I am colorless, I don't belong anywhere. I may live with my parents, I may have two homes, and yet... I am homeless, nowhere, feels right.

     I will always be different, the gray in a world of color, the black sheep of my history. I still wait for another black to come along, to make me feel at home, to make me see that I was gold all along, to show me that it's okay to be different, to show me what true love is, to say You are beautiful, to show me that black is a wonderful color, to say I love you. I love you as black, as gold, or whatever you are... I love you.


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