III- I don't get castrated... hopefully

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03- I don't get castrated... hopefully

||Percy's P.O.V.||

"MAYBE WE HAVE... Perseus." She said in a low tone.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that you're a demigod." I whispered, pulling her in a nearby alley so nobody can overhear us.

"Close, but I'm a daughter of Zeus, and you saved me from the sky." She whispered back.

"Lady Artemis?" I asked, quickly taking my hands from her shoulders to lessen my chances of being a bunny with antlers.

"Yes, you stupid male."

"What are you doing here? Why didn't you castrate me yet? And forgive me for being impolite but, when did you start wearing crop-tops? I thought they were Aprodite's thing?" I asked nervously.

"None of your business, I didn't get the chance yet and WHAT?!" She yelled, looking at her outfit.

"Yeah..." I said, looking at the ground nervously. (you do not want to look an angry moon goddess in the eye)

"So... do you know where I can get some new clothes?" She asked awkwardly.

"Yeah, nearby, how much do you have on you?" I replied.

"Two dollars and a coin." She answered proudly, as if two dollars were a huge amount of money.

"Yeah, I'll let you borrow a shirt. Come on." I said, boldly grabbing her hand to bring her to my apartment. (I'm surprised I still have my balls)

"We're here." I said, letting go of her warm hand.

"How the Hades do you run that fast? You almost ripped my arm off!"

"Years of running from monsters and you running slower because of your new body." I explained.

"Oh." She relied smartly.

"Welcome to my humble abode, milady."

"It sure is humble." She replied, observing her surroundings.

"Yeah, it's just a two bedroom apartment, not eccentric and it's not too bad if you count the minimum expenses." I said, leading her to the couch.

I left her a bit and entered my room to look for smaller clothes that would probably fit her size.

"Here and here." I said, handing out a small shirt and some shorts that I owned three years ago. (Don't ask me why I still have those, I have no idea either)

"Funny don't you think? A man hating goddess sitting in a boy's home and borrowing his clothes." She chuckled at the hilarity of our situation.

"Yeah—" I was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing. Sure, it's an old nokia but it gets me through life and I only use it for communication, plus, it doesn't break easily when it falls.

"Sorry, I have to take this." I said, her nodding her head understandingly.

"Hey Nan." I said to the phone, recognizing the letters on the caller ID.

"Hey Perce, I can't go tonight, my boss extended my shift, sorry."

"Yeah, it's fine, I'll see you tomorrow, then?"

"Yeah, sure. Gotta go!" She said before turning off.

"So... Lady Artemis, what brought you to the mortal world?" I asked, turning to Lady Artemis after a moment of staring at each other.

"I kicked Heracles in the balls."

"That's good to know."

"I don't do that without reasons you know, I may hate males but I have a conscience, Perseus."

"It's kinda hard to remember sometimes."

"Remember what?"

"That Gods have a conscience, they spend their immortal lives feeling, that I can't even wrap my head on how you guys do that, I lived 18 years and I'm starting to feel numb inside. I don't even know why I'm saying this to you, but, it feels great, finally letting out something I've kept inside for so long." A tear rolled down my cheek, a tear, not of sadness but of relief.

"You've carried the world on your shoulders, the fate of the entire greek and roman pantheon, you got hurt by someone who still holds your loyalty, a break is long overdue." She said suddenly, trying to comfort me after a minute of silence.

"Yeah... so Lady Artemis, you're free to stay in the other room if you want. I'll take you to the mall tomorrow to get you some clothes. Unless you have another accommodation?" I said, leading her to the extra room.

"I'll stay... thank you for your hospitality, Perseus."

"Anytime, Lady Artemis. Good night." I said, standing in the doorframe, making sure to stay at least 5 meters away.

"Good night, Perseus." She said as I shut the door, making me smile. Maybe the gods do have a conscience after all.


||Artemis's P.O.V.||

"Good night, Perseus." I called out to him as he shut the door, the smile that appeared on his face not going unnoticed by me.

I flopped onto the bed. Looking around, I noticed the murals on the white paint covering the wood behind it. Nice paintings he makes, I wonder if he still struggles with his academics, marine biology takes up on a lot of mathematics. (Yes, I check up on a respectable man sometimes. Don't you do that too?)

"Holy fuck! I haven't seen one of you guys since last year!" I heard him curse outside the door.

"You would make a fine meal, demigod. But we are not here for you. Charge you bimbos!" A deep but notably feminine voice sneered.

I heard rumbling, must be a monster attack. I must help him, my reputation is on the line here.

I slam the door open, only for it to crash on a tall figure, but too tall for it to be Perseus.

"Take her!"

"Not today, Ma Gasket, I've heard stories of you, does it feel good to die because your son got a crane wedgie?" He taunted before delivering a stab to her throat, immediately turning her to golden dust.

Staring at him in awe, her two cyclops children stood in place, giving me the chance to deliver a jab to the one nearest to me and making him fall to Perseus' waiting blade.

"Retreat, cyclops, so I won't have to wedgie you again." He boomed, towering over the last cyclops, though he was smaller in stature, making the cyclops shudder in fear and bolting to the door.

"You're really good at what you do, Perseus." I tell him.

"Didn't notice you were there, Lady Artemis. Oh, by the way, these monster attacks just proved a theory of mine."

"What theory? It's surprising to hear such a thing from a clueless demigod I met years ago."

"Well, if war changes people, then hell sharpens the mind... Though I still wonder why Annabeth would dump me if she lived on Olympus, I can visit anytime," he whispered mostly to himself. "Anyway, you're basically a daughter of Zeus without the powers, or basically a demigod-scented mortal." He continued loudly so I could hear more clearly.

"Crap, do you know where I can get a weapon or something? I can't stay here and bother you until my sentence is over."

"I know just the right place..."

1162 words

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