Getting Closer

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"you can't stay closed off forever"

It had been a couple months since Frank walked me home that first night. He walked me home every night I worked at the diner . We swapped numbers so I could text him my schedule and he was always there. He was so reliable. Something about that made me smile.

The more time we spent together the more we got to know each other. I found out he was ex military, he used to have a family, and five years ago something really awful happened to them. He seemed so sad when he spoke about them, and he told me every two weeks he drives out and visits their graves.

He seemed to be dealing with the loss okay, though he mentioned he did not handle it well when it happened.

How can you handle something like that well.

I told him my parents weren't really around much, and that I spent a few years on the streets as a teenager. When I told him that he didn't say anything, his brow burrowed and he just listened.

He was a good listener, and he was funny. He seemed to like it when I teased him. Being around him more has helped me relax, I don't feel as insecure when I look at him. He seems comfortable around me, which helps.

I got home from my regular job at around 6:00pm, put my bag down and opened the fridge. Shit. I thought to myself. I need to go food shopping. I'm so tired, I guess I'm having toast for dinner again.

Working two jobs was starting to get to me. I'm getting older and I feel myself getting more tired at the end of the day. It's my 30'th birthday in a month. I wasn't looking forward to it. I don't like birthdays. I usually spent them alone. Pushing it out of my mind I picked up a loaf of bread then heard a knock on my door.

I looked through the peep hole to see Frank standing there. I opened the door and he held pizza box towards me. "Hungry?" He asked with a sly smile.

"You have no idea" I sighed. I stood out of the way and he walked towards the couch and sat down.

"Did you forget to eat lunch again?" He asked, slightly teasing, slightly concerned.

"I didn't forget! I didn't have time. Work gets really crazy." I sat down next to him and picked up a slice of pizza. God it tasted good, I was so hungry.

"You need to take care of yourself" Frank insisted.

"I can take care of myself" I replied, feeling a little defensive

"I know I know, I just worry. Let me take care of you as well okay?"

The weight of his words hung in the air. I liked the way they sounded, and I did want him around, but we still hadn't even hugged goodbye yet. Maybe I was being too closed off. He was obviously trying.

"Okay" I smiled at him. He was so damn handsome. "Do you want a drink?" I asked, and I forced myself to put my hand on his knee, trying to show some sign of affection. I was aware of what happened to his family, I didn't want to push things, and I had my own reasons for keeping my distance.

He didn't move my hand away, but he looked a little uncomfortable. "Sorry" I mumbled and got up. I really need a beer, I thought.

Maybe he just wants to be friends, the idea of that hurt, but I understood. Someone that attractive probably wants someone prettier than me. I knew I was okay looking, but I wasn't all that put together, my jeans had holes, I didn't know how to wear high heels and I didn't know what wine to order at restaurants. I opened the fridge door and Frank spoke from behind me.

"Can I get a beer?"

Shit he was quiet. How can someone so tall wearing combat boots be so quiet. "Yeah sure" I could feel my face getting red. It was embarrassing putting myself out there when it wasn't well received.

Opening up - A Frank Castle StoryWhere stories live. Discover now