Twistee :)

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Jane's Pov

Who is this guy? He looks like an eighteen year old as me. His eyes are black and shiny. His hair is straight,he has a well build body.To be honest he looks breath taking . Are you ok Jane? What are you thinking I hit myself .

" I asked who are you? And where you from, how do you know me? Does my father is your coach?" I ask him.

" Which question I should answer first ?" He says with a smile. " Ash! The first one, who are you ?" I say and he saw the gesture I make and answers me.

" I'm Kyle Anderson, Captain of the under twenty cricket team" he says making himself proud. " Oh did my father send you here? " I ask him with a smile.

" No, I just wanted to talk with you.Aren't you gonna take this " his voice is soft and and his smile looks soft hearted. " Take this I know you love twistees , Every day you drink twistee after practices right ?" He say. How did he know all these stuff ?

" Wait what how did you know that ! Did you follow me or something? " I say showing him that he needs an account on his behaviour. " Kinda yes " he says with a wink " Aren't you gonna drink this? I came all the way here to give this to you" he says.

" Oh thank you " I say taking the twistee. Did I tell you to come all the way here . I drink the twistee wishing my father will come here soon.

" So you didn't tell me your name. I only know that your are the daughter of my coach" he says. " I'm Jane Smith" I say with a smile. "May I ......" he says and I nod. He sits next to me making me uncomfortable. I've never experienced such an awkward moment before.

" Are you ok ?" He asks.Obviously he has noticed my weirdness. " Actually I'm not I wonder why dad is not here yet" I say. " I think they have a meeting now it will take some time" he says. I roll my eyes and " Don't worry I'll stay here with you , we can talk and be friends " he says with a wink .

I nod. Breaking the awkward silence he points on something in my face , I really didn't get what he was trying to convey. "What" I say looking at him. He comes closer and takes his hands closer to my lips and wipes my lip. Omg these butterflies are so annoying , what is wrong with me now .

"There was something in your face " he says with a flirty smile . "Oh , thank you" I say hiding my embarrassment.

Kyle's Pov

How can she be so sweet , her smile can paints a ray of  sunshine  all over her face , she is beautiful , A beautiful girl is who has a distinctive personality , one who can laugh at anything , including them selves  and  one who is  especially kind and caring to the others . She is the one that I've been waiting for in my life . I know that sounded cheesy.

" Can we be friends? " I say knowing that the answer for the question takes some time. " What friends! U joking? " she says to me with a smile. " I'm not joking , I know you don't know me well but ask from your dad he will let you know about me " I say to her .

" Ok , Oh there dad is coming " she says standing. Why do you have to come at this time coach but i think she's happy for the presence of her dad .


"Sorry darling I'm late today" Dad says looking at me. " Can't forgive you today dad " I say and both laugh at the joke.

" Kyle what are you doing here! U know her ? " asks Dad. Kyle is blank , he's not responding to dad if he continues in silence I'm sure that my dad will be suspicious about me and him.

" He is my friend Dad " I say saving him from my dad's question. "Oh you have made friends with my students without telling me " he says and I nod . " K then it's getting dark let's go your mom will get scared otherwise " he says and I nod him with agreement.

" Kyle see ya later , thanks for the twistee " I say and wave at him. "No problem Jane , Take care " he says waving back to me .

" Well Kyle I think your father is late today, How are you gonna go home ? " dad asks him. "Yes sir he has a meeting today I have to go by myself " Kyle answers my dad." Maybe I can give you a ride , Isn't it Jane ? you don't mind helping your friend right ?" asks dad.

Seriously dad what are you doing? You are making more embarrassed. 

"Jane ?" Dad asks again. "Yes dad we should help our friends so I don't mind giving him a ride" I say hiding my embarrassment.

"Friend! Yes we should help friends " Kyle says with a wink and I roll my eyes. " Shall we then" says dad . Me and Kyle nod and walk towards the car.

Omg what will happen next ;)
See ya in the next chapter

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