The Seeker of My Heart

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O the seeker of my Heart,

You flow in me like my blood at times.
You beat in me like my heart at times.
You dwell in me like my thoughts at times.
You can find me in your mind at times.

Why do I long for you without seeing you sometimes.
Why do I clench my hands to fight for you sometimes.
Why do I search for your hands sometimes.

O the seeker of my Heart,

I cannot find you, still you're found somehow.
I cannot see you, still you're seen somehow.
I cannot touch you, still you're touched somehow.
I cannot feel you, still I feel for you somehow.

O the seeker of my Heart,

O God, let me meet my love tonight.
O God, let me see my love tonight.
O God, let me feel my love tonight.
Let me be able to still love You for eternity.

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