Chapter One

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Hearing the mallet being slammed by the judge matched the beating of my heart. Atlast! I've been waiting for this moment and it really has come. Having drawn to my face a broad smile, I faced the woman who have encouraged me along these years not to give up, and up until this day, she's still by my side.

This is amazing grace, God. I'll never be tired of thanking You for letting this lovely angel transform me, to bring back the light in my life in an even brighter way.

Having the handcuffs removed, I immediately rushed to hug my angel.
She welcomed me into her warm arms which seemed like heaven as we hugged each other even tighter, a lot more endless...and I will never be able to forget this moment until the day I die, I don't think I ever can.


We went to a vacation in Manila as we together visited Tita and Tito. I got to meet Zachariah which is Ezra's cousin and his family too. They were happy to see us and everything just seemed perfect.

We went to Star City and like kids, rode the different rides, had pictures with ice creams and different kinds of headbands. It was so memorable, I discovered I had fear of heights, which made Ezra laugh really hard.

We even went to watch Cinema together, sharing the laughters and sadness, I never realized problems did exist and I'm ever thankful, God.

We walked and watched the sunset together at Manila Bay and prayed beyond the shore looking up. I prayed that E. would always wear that beautiful smile of hers no matter what happens, we kept each other's prayers to ourselves and to God.

We were stress-free and happy, but reality strucked me literally hard as I realized that I can't just depend solely on Ezra, I should work too, I must help her, I shan't be of burden to her. But how? How can I make myself deserving for the love she has for me? I didn't even finish school, I'm unemployed. I can't provide for her.
I feel useless as days pass by.

We went out to have a meal, it's her treat again, when it should be mine. It was just the two of us and I think this is the right moment to open up my thoughts.

"D., is something bothering you?" She said as she was holding the menu book. She paused for a while to look at me.

"Com'on, you can tell me." She put down the book and so I took a sigh.

"E., we can't be like this. I-I can't give you a life like this, I can't just depend on you. You don't deserve me---," she held my wrists and gave me the smile which never failed to lighten up my mood.

"I understand. So, what's your plan?"
Understandingly, she said in a sweet tone.

"I'll look for a job and please, don't help me." I looked directly to her eyes and she pouted. "Okay, but I have a favor, D." She smiled like a kid and at this point, I could even pluck the moon for her, God.

"Favors don't exist between us, just spill and I will," if I can.

"There's this place I really want to go to, especially with you, it's a Hillsong concert. We must come, whatever it takes, okay?" She had the brightest smile among all the stars and how I wish stars never fall.

"I love you most, Ezra." Having not refrained my heart, I spilled those words. But she removed her hands which were holding me,

"Don't love me most, Dionne. It's only God you must love that way." She smiled at me again, after these years, she has become even Godly and I'm afraid heaven, where she belongs would take her back someday, in the most unexpected moment.


At pumunta nga kami sa concert ng bandang Hillsong, holding hands, we waved up high at sumabay sa mga kanta nila. It was the most memorable. Together having goosebumps while worshipping and singing for God was the best thing we have done together. During the concert, I was filled with gratefulness, laking pasalamat ko dahil nakilala ko s'ya, dahil pinakilala Mo s'ya sa'kin, Most High.


With the savings I had all the years, I searched for a job here in Manila. Yes, I saved money, I was gonna use it for Dianne and I, when we were to escape, but it didn't go along the plan. It didn't go to waste because I have a purpose for it now.

It was shameful of me to stay at Zachariah's place and so I told E. that I'd rent a small room while I am searching for a job.

She was my bestest slash girl-friend, she understood me the most, she was just too perfect and not that clingy, of course she's smart and I'm gonna boast of her in the whole world, if I could.

I got different types of job, I worked at a construction site, I also worked as a parking boy, I even became a model in a clothing store. Ezra, went back to Negros alone, together with her family, we sent her off. The wages and opportunities here were way better so I decided to stay and work here even though an hour without seeing her already breaks my heart into pieces. Anyway, this is for our future. All we can do is pray for each other and that is way more than enough. God is always taking care of her though.

Thank God, a miracle happened. Who would've thought a staff at the food chain I was working as a parking boy knew Ivan?

"Dionysus..." He sighed and smirked as he saw me. I looked at him, whole body, and he has changed so much.

"So, you...are the CEO?" I unbelievably said to him.

"Yes, Dionysus. Look at you, a parking boy at a business I own. It's a small world indeed." He laughed and made me realize he didn't change that part of his attitude. But good thing, I left Dianne in his hands.

"How's Dianne?"

"She' a hospital right now." The smile he had faded which caused me to wrinkle my forehead. What happened to my sister? Oh, God.

"Seeing that you didn't choke me to death as I said that, you've really changed, Dionysus." He smirked again.

"Why is she at a hospital? In-- in which hospital?" I seriously looked at him.

"Chill, she's just preggy with your first nephew," having that gag smile, he winked at me.

My mind went O and I heard cherubims singing in my head, like, really?!

"Prevent yourself from jumping in this building, Dionysus."

"Then-- who's with her? Is she perhaps alone?"

"Coz who would've thought a client of mine would call me saying somebody wants to get an advanced payment when that somebody named Dionysus Louise Epifanes haven't even had a month of experience? Seems like you didn't really change everything, huh." Like a tongue twister, he recited. Then I burst out laughing.

"You're the same, Ivan." I smirked.

"But seems like you already know how to laugh now, that's awesome, though. You're not that cold and ruthless syndicate anymore."

"Whatever, let me see my sister. And, I'm your brother-in-law now so it must be natural for you to help me, I need a house, and a job." I looked straight at him.

"Woah. Didn't you hate the thought of having me as an in-law before? And you even got bossier," he deathly glared at me.

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