Chapter 4 - Natsu VS Jackal Part Two

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A/N - I am so sorry about all the late updates. Also, I'm sorry that this is basically just re-reading the manga, but I swear it's going to get better soon!

Mikelo starts running as fast as he could, leaving his own granddaughter behind along with the fairies. "I won't let you go!" Jackal races towards them, but the fairies get in his way.

They try launching attack but they fail when Jackal's attacks cancel them out. He sends them off, blasting the surrounding area to bit. "That's right. I forgot to mention one other thing." Jackal starts laughing again. "Tartaros doesn't use "magic", we use "enchantment" a power that stands above magic." (Yes, it's curse power, but the manga I have translated it as enchantment. Sorry.)

Jackal lifts his hands, waving them around again. "You magicians can't beat us!" Moves them around, sending a special sort of blast. "BLAST SPIRAL!" It was a beautiful blast that was indeed the shape of a spiralling tornado.

Jackal grabs your hand and pulls you with him as the fairies stay down. You both head off the run after Mikelo.

You both sat on the top of a building, looking at the old man yelling at random people. "Found ya, gramps." Jackal says to Mikelo, scaring him to death.

"Stop! I've got nothing to do with this! I don't know anything!" Mikelo tries to beg to Jackal. "I just want to live in peace with my granddaughter!" You found it a little rich that he says that but leaves his granddaughter to fend for herself.

"And just who ran for the devil leaving his granddaughter behind?" Jackal smirks again. In the background you hear the celestial spirit wizard shout out but Jackal stops her in her tracks. "Whoops. I'd rather you not move."

"What is this?!" She says, gazing down at the enchantment.

"It's a landmine enchantment. The moment you move, BOOOM." He smiles.

You look around and see all the innocent townspeople crowding around. They start adoring the blonde, seeing how she was ine of the contestants in the Grand Magic Games.

"There are a lot of humans. I just thought of something fun." Jackaloves his hands and trap two people in spheres. The ex-council member, Mikelo, and an innocent woman. "They're two bombs."

Everyone who was gathering around was now running for their lives, making sure to stay away from the bomb.

Now Jackal had a fun game, just for the celestial spirit mage. "Only one will explode. You choose which one goes free."

You never would have thought that he was going to bring innocent lives into this. Especially just a random woman who ended up being pregnant. "Jackal!" You try to get his attention, but he brushes you off.

"Not now (Y/N). The fun is just getting started." He chuckled.

"But Jackal, she's innocent! She didn't do anything! You don't need to do this!" You start to yell, hoping it would get through to him. Of course, it didn't.

Jackal jumps down from the building, starting to argue with the fairy. Mikelo wouldn't stop yelling and the poor woman couldn't stop crying. "Well, whose life do you choose, Fairy Tail?" Jackal starts having a laughing fit which soon ended when Natsu runs to smash Jackal's face with his elbow.

Thankfully the two bombs stoped and the people were let go, but it wasn't over. The blue haired girl runs up the the celestial spirit mage, checking if she's okay.

The old man man though... kinda got knocked out by Natsu. Of course everyone was happy, but it still shocked everyone. "I'm kind of annoyed. So you just go to sleep." Natsu tells Mikelo without breaking contact with Jackal.

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