Final Chapter - Tartaros' Fall

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A/N - I'm so sorry my fellow readers, but this is the last chapter of the Jackal x Reader. I may do more stuff eith the character in the future, but until then, I hope you like the last chapter of, "My Prisoner ~ Jackal x Reader"

P.S. This chapter also contains a bit of lemon, perhaps smut? Maybe a lime? I don't know, but it's sexual so watch out.

P.P.S. There a ginormous amount of spoilers in this chapter so please, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!

Reader P.O.V.

You could feel Jackal's warm breath against the back of your neck. His muscular demonized arms were wrapped around your body, gripping you tight so he could never let go. You felt all his muscular body around you as you both lied in the bed.

You could still feel the delicious pain from his actions. It was an amazing feeling you couldn't put your finger on. You were sore, but wanted to keep that burning sore feeling deep in your body while your heart throbbed in your breasts. No other man, or demon, could make you feel the way Jackal made you feel.

He's done so many horrible things, but you couldn't help it. Your heart ached for him. You wanted more of him. You wanted to see his different emotions that no one else can see and touch parts of him that no one would dare to touch. You wanted him and only him and you hoped that he would want you and only you.

You shift a little in your spot, waking Jackal in the process. He groggily wakes up and checks on you. "Everything okay?" Jackal got up and examined you, making sure your body wasn't too hurt or anything.

You had a faint blush on your cheeks as he looked over your bare body. "Y-Yeah, I just can't go to sleep I guess..." You turn away and hide your body with the blanket, but Jackal doesn't let you hide.

"I guess I didn't tire you out enough. I can fix that you know if you want?" Jackal reaches and pulls down the blanket, exposing yourself again. He moves his head down to your neck and kisses under your ear. He licks up to the edge of your ear and chews on it. His hands move all around your body but he stops almost as soon as he started.

"Jackal?" You ask him with a confused look. "What's wrong?"

Jackal smirks, showing you that nothing was wrong, but he was going to do something pretty sly. "He grabs your arm, pulls you up out of bed, and tosses you over his shoulder. "J-Jackal?!" May I remind you that you were still unclothed and everything.

"Sorry, but we've got stuff to do, and I'm not just going to walk around the guild halls smelling like fresh sex." You wanted to hit him for being so blunt and straight forward, but he was kind of right, you both had gone pretty hard and kind of left a mess. "We better take a shower."

"Wait a second, together?!" You try to get down off his shoulders and get away, but that wasn't the best idea, seeing how he was a bomb-crazy psychopath with a craving for your skin.

Jackal opens the doors the doors to the shower room and gets the shower ready. "'Stop being a damn prude and face the wall." He set you down just to order you around. "Hurry up." You groan, but do as he says. You face the wall and shut up so he can do whatever he wants. "Good girl, now..." There was a pause before you felt the piercing cold water hit you. "Is that too cold? Do you want it to be warmer?" That damn prick was messing with the temperature on purpose just to play with you.

"W-Warmer please!" You beg, trying not to shiver under the cold water.

The water turns a bit warmer and stays that way. It was better than before, but you wouldn't really count that as an actual warm temperature. "Now tell me, is this nice?" You almost turn around to see what he was talking about, until you feel him touch a sensitive part of your body. "Is it getting warmer in here, (Y/N)?"

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