Chapter 1:|| Rough and Bitter

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the OCs and some plots.

Age 15 part 1

"And this is what I get for training a Fuchigane descendent?" A short black-haired woman leaned over my body which was sprawled out on the floor. Her silver eyes burned into my back as I didn't reply.

Groaning, I struggled to get back on my feet. The sweat caused me to slip and lurched me forward when my chin hit the hard wood floor. A bang sounded and my vision started to cloud making me sink back down.

In my hand were bamboo strips held together to make a practice sword called a shinai. It's hamon was bent and was starting to fall apart. I couldn't believe after one hour of training the shinai is already battered up.

I was sparring with my sensei, Tsugumi Ashikaga, until she knocked me in the air. For the fourth time.

I can't do this... I can't even fight properly...

"Ugh You disgust me every second with your ugly weaknesses." Tsugumi adjusted her hakama and shot a cold glare at me.

"Up. Now, on your feet!" She whipped her shinai on my back and I sunk back to the polished wood floor. Wiping the sweat from under my mouth, I glared at Tsugumi. She smirked and laid the shinai over her own shoulder.

"If you don't carry out your family's legacy then you cannot bare the name, Fuchigane, anymore. You hear me, Tatsuya?" Tsugumi then pointed the kisaki at the edge of my chin and held it.

''It's Lady Tatsuya, you old hag.'' I spat at my teacher. I was so fed up with her crap and ridicule at me. Tsugumi gave me the most intense stare I've ever seen. And for once, I was actually afraid.

''You did not earn that name yet! You're still a weak little bee in a hive!! And for your information I am young enough to bare as many children as the four temples in the imperial court!'' Tsugumi was so angry, she spat at me with every word.

"Again." She turned around and slashed the air with the shinai as I got up from behind her. I prepared my usual stance. Left foot out, right knee bent and the shinai's blade facing away. As Tsugumi turned around she smiled.

"Alright future samurai shinobi... Whatever.... Let's see if you can last thirty seconds," Tsugumi came slowly at me not removing eye contact.

"Oh Ashikaga-sensei... You torture me. " I returned her smirk and jumped at her.

Tsugumi's smile melted into her introverted face that she always wears.

She easily parries my swing at her head and goes in to slice my ribs. In the amount of time, I turned a 360 and caught her attack. Her eyebrow twitched and she went up a level faster. Relentlessly hacking away at my arms, I put them up on defense giving her no entry.

But I kept dodging and jumping backward; our attacks doing nothing but traveling down the dojo. Tsugumi then spun backward and held her shinai in between her face.

''I guess you learned...'' She said, barely even breaking a sweat. Her eyes smiled at me in wicked mischief. But her mouth didn't curve in interest. She must be fired up...

Tsugumi jumped forward and prepared a flying attack. At last, she aimed for my head and when I leaned back my spine cracked. Tsugumi landed behind me and I spun around to kick her shinai in the air. Before she could counter-attack, I caught her shinai, and with both blades I held them in a V-shape to her throat.

Tsugumi stood there, her silver eyes half-lidded. She exhaled and her pupils dropped to the shinai.

''Tch...'' Tsugumi smirked and wiped the sweat off her upper lip.

''What do you have, that you're hiding from me.'' She threw her head back and laughed heartily. I released the position and stepped back to help her up. But knowing Tsugumi she grabbed my hand and pulled me under her. Her knees were right in my shoulders.

''What was the first lesson I ever gave you.'' Tsugumi held my throat and watched my purple eyes strain from her steel grip.

''Never... lose your guard.'' I looked into her very own silver pupils and she smiled like no big deal.

''You're too kind for your own good, Tatsuya. When you're out there fulfilling your family name's legacy, the assassins out to kill your master won't help you up. They will kill you to get their desired target and you don't want that.'' Tsugumi got off of me and didn't bother to help me up. Nice.

"As the heir to the Fuchigane blood line, you're great ancestor swore to keep the Myodha temple safe. With your life, you protect the temple. Especially the Suguro family. Not a scratch is to come by their skin let alone your own. I have a lot that you haven't seen. You're ready for level 2. Congratulations you survived my training.'' She laughed at her own joke and I rolled my eyes, trying to get up.

''I haven't been cornered like that since my training days... Way back when,'' Tsugumi walked to the edge of the dojo, taking her hand guards off.

''You're not angry at me for kicking you like that?'' I looked at her curiously and she turned her gaze to me from the shinai rack.

''No of course not. You're learning. Even though you suck you come up with goofy things. Like the V trick... I didn't teach you that."

"It was like a instinctive reflex...." The woman turned to look at me one more time and smiled where she walked to the women's shower room. Before entering, she touched her family's banner on the wall. The white silk rippled as her hand brushed against it. In the middle, was the green mantis; praying on the crescent moon. A pang of sadness tore through my chest.

She's the last of the Ashikaga besides her brother. The Ashikaga shogunate has been noble since the days of the samurai. And still are... Tsugumi, herself, holds many titles and owns all of the onsens and tea houses in Kyoto. She's so rich and yet young to have all of this.

''Now get out of my dojo. I have work to do.'' Tsugumi turned to me and shut the screen door. I stood there, still wanting to talk with her but she didn't come back. Moments passed and when I turned my heel, she suddenly popped through the door.

''Don't you have geisha training to do?! Get out!'' Tsugumi pushed me outside and I planted my feet on the ground.

''Dammit, Tatsuya!! Why do you have to be so damn tall!?" Tsugumi then kicked my back and the air in my lungs knocked out. I fell out of the estate and landed in the garden.

''Wait!! Ashikaga-sensei! I need to ask you something-'' I rammed at the screen but it she locked it. Turning away, I sunk to the floor and looked towards the sky.

White clouds were over head, drifting serenely across the blue. As the wind whistled through the estate, chimes jingled in the air. Summer whispered its song. I let out a sigh before I realized I have to run my way to Kissei's okiya (geisha house). Today is the day I begin the rest of my training.

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