Chapter 2:|| Blue Iris

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the OCs and some plots.

Age 23 Chapter 2

Yes, that day was a big one... The great paladin, Shiro Fujimoto, has come to visit the Myoda sect. for some business... Along with a team of exorcists and knights of the True Cross.

I was there in my top prime of course. I had such elegance and grace, it was stupendous. Ah, but what a gala it was.

You see, even in times like that, they requested my presence. I do protect the Suguro family and my clan has sworn themselves, to eternally guard everything in Myodha. Until the end of time.

Traditionally, in Kyoto, everything has to have old world charm. And considering I've trained as a geisha, I'm required to lend my services, as a dancer and singer. We geisha sell our talent. Never our bodies. And I was chosen among the best performers to entertain the head priest, the archpriests, his followers, the knights, and the paladin himself. Not much of an honor though... those pigs in the Vatican do nothing.

But these memories... will always haunt and fill me with bliss, even when ever I replay them. My first and last love,

Will always belong to him.

1st Person POV

"Fuchigane-ā(*)! You are wanted make an appearance, in eight minutes, in the nightingale room!" Called one of my followers. I opened one eye to see her shadow in the screen. As she turned and left, I could hear her tabi socks softly padding away.

As she faded, I opened the other eye. My indigo pupils, half-lidded, closed back up and I slowly repeated her words in my head.

They want an appearance now... In the nightingale room. Hmmm...... That probably took ten minutes to get all the way here itself.

Oh shit! I'm late!

Jolting up from my futon, I realized I've slept in. I practically leaped out of bed. Splashing cold water and soap in my face, I frantically washed away the morning ick. My quick hands hastily putting nude makeup on, I almost poked my eye out.

"Sata, do you mind helping me?!" When I called my hand maid's name, she opened the west screen door and bowed before shutting it.

"Fuchigane-ā(*), please forgive me." Sata bowed perfectly and symmetrically behind me, as I glanced in the mirror. I smiled wryly and began to apply balm on my lips.

(* the term, ā, is the honorific for lord, lordship, or king/queen. It is a very high honorific and is used for people of the greatest rank and nobility.)

"Come, come, Sata. We don't have all day to bow. I told you to not do that. You know me!" I pinned my hair and swung around to see Sata smiling back at me.

"So you'll be dancing for the paladin? I hear the knights aren't that bad looking..." Sata giggled as she ran up to me and held my hands. I laughed and playfully punched her arm.

"You know, men are such an a nuisance. They smell, they fart, and have so much gall! Why do you think I tutor women?" I scoffed and stood up to go to the dresser. I picked out the most lavish silk kasuri that I own, for the winter season and threw them at Sata. This one had sleeves that brushed against the ground and the train, trailed far behind me.

The extravagent silk was black and had white branches entwining in the fabirc. Jade was embroidered at the hem and sparkled when moved. Such lush red tsubaki flowers dappled the sleeves. It really was one of my favorites.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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