Divergent High

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Tris POV

It's Friday morning, the first day of year 12 I can't wait to see Christina and the gang (Marlene, Uriah, Will, Lynn, Shauna, Zeke) I get up and have a shower and change into acid wash skinny jeans and a red crop top that sits just above my belly button showing my belly ring which I change to red and change my tongue and nose piercing to red as well I go down stairs and grab a muffin and head off to school in my black Ferrari.

When I pull up at school the gang walks over to my car.

"Hey guys"

"Hey" they say

"Apparently there is a new guy starting today and he's super rich" says Zeke

Just then a red Lamborghini zooms into the lot. Out steps the hottest guy I've ever seen, he has brown hair and black sunglasses on, he's wearing a dark blue shirt and jeans and a leather jacket. He glances over at us and then walks into the school.

"That must be him" Zeke says

Just then the bells rings and we all head off to class.

When we are all seated Mr Wu talks to us about his expectations for this year. When the door flies open and in walks the new guy. He scans the class for a place to sit as Mr Wu introduces him to the class as Four he comes and sits down in the empty seat next to me. As he looks at me I get lost in his stormy blue eyes. I didn't realise we were staring at each other until I hear:

"Tris, Four are we interrupting something"

"No sir" we both say and look away with flustered cheeks

Class goes by slowly and I zone out until I hear the bell ring. I pack my things and start to walk out when I feel someone grab my wrist.

Four POV (before he gets to school)

I wake up and get ready for my first day at divergent high as I hop into my red Lamborghini I think about how no one knows me and how I can start a fresh as Four the rich mysterious man instead of the weak boy who gets abused by his father.

The drive to school was quick and as I pull into the lot I see a gang formed around a black Ferrari, but that's not what catches my eye. I get a glance at a beautiful girl with blonde hair and I pull into the space near her. Before getting out of the car I look over at her, she has grey eyes her hair is curled around her face and she's wearing a red top that makes her look hot! No what are you doing no one is going to like you, you are weak and everyone can see it!

I get out of the car and walk straight past them into the school to check in.

I walk up to a lady at the reception desk.

"Four Eaton. I'm new here"

"Ahhh yes, here is your schedule and locker number"

I thank her and walk off looking at my schedule







Locker number #4

Combination: 4610

I smile to myself as I realise that my locker number is four as well as my name. I walk to English running late as I couldn't find the class, being the new kid sucks. I walk into the class room and introduce myself to the teacher Mr Wu and scan the class room for a spare seat, I find one next to the girl from the lot and walk over to sit next to her. She quickly looks at me before looking back at the teacher.

See I knew she wouldn't look twice at someone like me I think to myself as I fee a pang in my chest and look up and listen to Mr Wu.

After a boring lesson we have a few spare minutes to talk amongst ourselves, since I don't know anyone I just look down.

Then I hear:
"Hey, your Four right? "

"Y-y-yes" I say stuttering as I look up at her gosh why am I such a loser!

"I'm Tris, can I see your schedule? I can help you around today if you want?"

"Yeah they would be a great help I don't really know my way around" I say as I hand her my schedule.

"We have all our classes together so it'll be easy" she said with a smile on her face

"That's good at least I know someone in my classes now"

She giggles and then says "did you want to sit with me at lunch I can introduce you to the rest of the gang?"

"Yeah cool" I say and we get up to go to our next class

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