The next day

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Y/n got up early on Saturday, ready to head out and enjoy the sun, she stepped out of her house, her front door closing silently behind her as she inhaled the summer air, last day of school was yesterday, which was a relief. Y/n decided to walk around town, maybe relax at the quarry for a bit. She was walking down the sidewalk, without a care in the world, until a familiar trans am pulled up beside her "oh no, not again" she thought walking faster taking longer strides to get away from the vehicle slowing down beside her. She looked at the car as the windows rolled down, it was empty, except for the drivers seat where Reggie sat "the others aren't here, don't worry" he said noticing your discomfort right away, you slowed down and took a deep breath, you were glad the others weren't there. Henry was always loud, Patrick made you feel uncomfortable how he talks about women and people in general, like he was undressing you with his eyes, Vic would look at you making you feel like he was judging you and he hardly ever talks, Reggie was the only one you felt safe around, he'd  be really sweet and caring over you and if the boys were bothering you he'd at least try to make them stop. "Where are you headed to in such a rush anyway??" He questioned, snapping you out of your thoughts, you forgot you were heading to the quarry, you stumbled over your words "I'm, uh, going to the quarry, it's a nice day so I thought why not, ya know?" He nodded, "do you need a ride? I wouldn't mind giving you one." The quarry wasn't far enough away to need a ride, but you wanted to talk with him more, so you replied, "Sure! I wouldn't mind one!" Great! Get in!" He said leaning over and opening the door for you, you hopped in, buckled the seatbelt and closed the door, and you guys drove to the quarry, Reggie looked at you, "Y/n, right?" He asked looking back at the road, "yep. That's it Y/n L/n!" You exclaimed, "yeah, that's what I thought, I've seen you around school before" he said glancing at you, then looking back at the road, he was about to say something but as soon as he did someone cut him off, he slammed the breaks and pushed you back with his arm before you hit the dashboard, "What the fuck dude?! Watch where your going dumbass!" He yelled as your heartbeat could probably be heard over the radio, Reggie looked at you, again, "you okay??" You just nodded your head "Thank god we're going to the quarry to relax, I've been in enough stress as it is" He chuckled. He turned the radio up thunderstruck was playing, "Oh my god I love this song!!" You yelled out accidentally, Reggie looked at you, shocked "Really?? No girl I've ever met likes this kind of music" "well they're insane!" Y/n yelled "That's what im saying!" Reg exclaimed stopping the car "here we are!" He exclaimed, getting out and opening your door "thank you," you jokingly bowed as he laughed walking with you to the edge of the cliff. 

They won't knowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora