The next day

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Y/n woke up, and for a second, she forgot all about the events of yesterday, until she glimpsed at the cap that belonged to Reggie. Her face instantly burned a blushing red as she recalled driving around town with him. She was snapped out of thought by something hitting her window. She jumped. A rock hit her back window.

 'Who's throwing rocks at my window?' She thought, the only way to access her windows at all is to jump the fence. She looked out the window. Surprised, as the person wasn't Reggie, but it was Victor Criss, Reggies closest friend. Vic never bothered her but the scowl often seen on his face slightly scared and intimidated her. Even though he's quiet and never says or does much, people hardly ever mess with him.

 "Victor! Why are you in my backyard?? Also, where's Reg?" Y/n yelled down at the boy with bleached hair.

 "I don't know where Belch is, but he talked to me, he said he was too nervous to talk to you cause of your parents, and whatnot. So he told me to tell you to meet him at the, uh, quarry, I think?" He looked up at her, squinting his eyes due to the blinding light of the morning sun.

 "Oh, Okay!" she yelled, "Thank's Vic... I-is it fine if I call you that?" 

Vic nodded his head. "Yeah, whatever." He dismissed the conversation, waving his hand around, signifying he didn't care.  He ran off getting a running jump, leaping over Y/N's chain link fence. 

Y/n blinked. That was... odd...? Clutching Reggies cap. She walked to her closet, picking out her clothes, she put the hat down to change and get ready for the day. Excited to meet up with Reggie. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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