Before Order 66

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I don't own Star Wars Rebels!!!

"Come on, Kelle!" Caleb Dume shouted.

"Shut up, Caleb!" Kelle Ruffin replied angrily "You're distracting me!"

"You can do it!" Caleb yelled encouragingly "Just focus on the—"

"Caleb, I swear if you don't shut up right now—!"

"Go, Kelle!"

Kelle slashed through the last battle droid in the simulator and the training ended. She took off her helmet and glared at her best friend.

"Can you hear a word I say?" She asked.

"Nope." Caleb laughed "Like my master always says, you have to learn to fight with distractions."

"I've never heard Master Depa say that ever."

"Shhh!" Caleb put his hand over Kelle's mouth and smiled "She says it through the Force." He whispered dramatically.

"You're ridiculous." Kelle shoved his hand away laughing "But I still beat the simulation so you're not dead, yet."

"Well, I'm survivin'." Caleb shrugged "Let's go get some food."

The two padawans walked through the halls of the Jedi Temple. They reached the mess hall and got their food before they sat down at their regular table.

"Master Depa and I got a new assignment." Caleb mentioned casually.

"What? When do you leave?" Kelle asked.

"Um, tomorrow."


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Caleb sighed "I just, I have a weird feeling about this mission."

"Why?" Kelle questioned.

"I'm not sure. I've just got a feeling something bad is going to happen."

"I wouldn't worry, my Master and I have a mission in two days. I'm sure it'll be fine." Kelle tried to reassure her friend but in reality, she had a strange feeling about her mission too.


Kelle and her master Stass Allie were on their mission when it all went wrong. The clones that Kelle had considered her friends and practically family, attacked them.

"Kelle, take the ship, get away from here!" Stass shouted over the blaster fire echoing.

"No, Master, I won't leave you!" Kelle cried, deflecting blasts.

"Kelle, that's an order! Go!"

Kelle struggled with herself for a moment but when her master was gunned down, her resolve broke and she followed orders. She ran.

When she was far enough away from the battle and her Master's body was left behind, Kelle broke down and wept. She curled into herself and cried until her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks were streaked with tears, and her breath came in short gasps.

When she calmed down or at least stopped weeping, she turned on her holomap.

"Where can I go? What about Caleb? I must try to contact him, what if the clones turned on him too?" She thought aloud "Oh, Force, I hope he's okay."

Kelle eventually decided to land on the small planet of Lothal. She sold parts of her ship for credits until it was virtually useless and she had to scrap it. For years, she worked a low paying job in a bar and rented a room nearby. She changed her name to Aris Green.

One day she was walking through the market when a stormtrooper grabbed her arm "Excuse me, Miss, we need to check something."

He held up a data pad and on it was Aris's picture.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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