Chapter 5

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Ingrid awoke with a gasp, her hand reaching up to press against her chest as she took in her surroundings

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Ingrid awoke with a gasp, her hand reaching up to press against her chest as she took in her surroundings. Next to her Kol was gulping down a blood bag, when he was finished he tossed one to her.

"What did you do this time?" Kol asked while rolling his eyes, Ingrid squeezing the contents of the blood bag into her mouth.

"Absolutely nothing. I told him that Elijah was plotting against his life and he bloody daggered me," she replied, blood splattering over her as she gripped the bag in her hand too tightly.

"Save your anger for Nik, not our innocent blood supply," the Original commented, amusement in his eyes as he watched her look down at the stains forming with disgust.

"Ingrid?" Rebekah's voice washed over Ingrid's ears like water after a century long drought.

"Bekah," Ingrid breathed, rushing over to the Mikaelson girl and enveloping her in her arms.

Rebekah was quick to return the hug, burying her face into the brunette's hair as they latched onto each other.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, dramatic reunion, we get it. Can we go scare the bloody hell out of Nik now?" Kol chimed in as he smiled fondly at the two women.

"I do believe we have quite a few matters to discuss with him," Finn spoke up from where he had been silently leaning against his own coffin, tossing his own blood bag to the side and leading the way toward the stairs.


"I like what you've done with the new place, Nik," Rebekah stated as she threw a vase at the wall, a painting to falling to the ground from the impact.

"I wanted it to be for all of us," Nik practically begged, not looking any of them in the eye. "A place we could all call home, a place we could all be a family. None of us would ever have to be alone again."

"Well you're right, none of us will be," Elijah said, walking away from his brother and toward the rest of his siblings.

"You're staying behind," Finn added, following closely behind Elijah.

"We're leaving you, Nik. Right after I kill that doppelgänger wench," Rebekah said, a cold look on her face. "And you will be alone. Always and forever."

Ingrid just stood and watched at the scene unfold around her, not wanting to say anything but also not caring enough to stop any of the others. Nik had brought this upon himself. Did he really believe daggering his family throughout the centuries wouldn't have repercussions?

"If you run, I will hunt all of you down!" Nik threatened, more fear in his voice than anger.

"And then you'll become everything you hate. Our father," the noble Original replied, causing Nik's anger to rise to the surface.

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