Chapter 17

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"Why did I get stuck with cleaning duty?" Ingrid complained, a fake pout on her face as she followed Rebekah downstairs

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"Why did I get stuck with cleaning duty?" Ingrid complained, a fake pout on her face as she followed Rebekah downstairs.

"Because you are the one who doesn't have to go to high school," Rebekah answered, grabbing the flyers she would hand out at said school.

"You don't either. You could just compel a few people and voila! You get to stay at home with me, your amazing girlfriend, all day," the brunette explained, wrapping her arms around Rebekah to pull her closer as she brushed their noses together. "And we just got this house, don't you want to stay inside of it a little longer?"

"As tempting as that all seems..." the blonde replied, glancing down at her girlfriend's lips as she spoke. "I have a party that needs a clean house and guests."

Ingrid stuck her bottom lip out at the statement, only for Rebekah to capture it in a kiss before reluctantly pulling away.

"I'll be back in a few hours, my love," Rebekah backed toward the door as she spoke, smiling and waving at the other woman as she dramatically draped herself across the couch. "I love you!"

"I love you too!" Ingrid called back, dropping her voice to add, "when you're not bossing me around..."

"I heard that!"

"Heard what? I didn't say anything, darling! Don't you have a class to get to?" Ingrid yelled after the blonde as she closed the door, feigning innocence while getting up and readying herself to clean the house.


Ingrid looked into the mirror, reapplying her lipstick before everyone finally got there for the party. The brunette blew a kiss to Rebekah in the mirror as she walked into the bathroom, making the blonde smile.

"Did you have fun torturing the doppelgänger today?" Ingrid asked, rubbing her lips together as she capped the lipstick container.

"Of course. Did you have fun cleaning the house?" Rebekah answered, smirking over at her girlfriend before stealing the lipstick from her hand.

"As much as I can while I know that my hot and amazing girlfriend is having more fun than me and my psychotic best friend keeps calling after he quite literally disowned said girlfriend," the hybrid explained, turning to gaze at the blonde as she applied her own lipstick. "Darling, if you wanted to share lipstick all you had to do was ask..."

"I think you've had enough of that for the day, guests are going to be here any minute," Rebekah laughed, her tone soon growing apprehensive. "Nik called you?"

"Multiple times."

"Did you answer?"

"Once, and all I said was that he should stop calling me. As you can guess, that didn't happen so he is now temporarily blocked and 'temporarily' means at least a decade," Ingrid answered, leaving a red stain behind as she pressed her lips to Rebekah's neck. "Unless, of course, he apologizes and grovels on his knees before you."

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