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"It's really our last day of high school..." I glance over at Tatum, she sits up from her slouching position and crosses her arms across the dashboard. She rests her chin on her arms as she looks out to the building in front of us.

"I can't believe... we made it through hell." I laugh at her remark, leaning my elbow on the center console. 

"Oh c'mon. It wasn't that bad." The sky was still a bit unlighted but the sun began to shine across the black pavement, creating little shards of golden light. We sit in a comfortable silence, watching the school beginning to slowly brighten and come to life. The peaceful silence is broken by a small knock on my window. I look to see a smiling Kairi. Tate meets my gaze, letting out a small sigh as we gather our bags and coffee.

"I guess that's our cue." Tate swings her bag over her shoulder, reluctantly leaving the car. I do the same and Kairi gives me a gentle nudge.

"Aren't you guys happy? It's summer after this!" Kairi exclaims, grabbing my wrist to take a sip of my coffee. 

"Of course we are! It's just bittersweet I guess." I take my wrist back to take a sip too. I can hear footsteps approach us from behind and I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders. 

"Aye! What's up guys." Alejandro says, wrapping his other arm around Tate," Coffee! You shouldn't have." He bends down to the cup in my hand, taking a gulp. I playfully roll my eyes at him as I take another sip of my own drink. Another pair of footsteps approach us as I feel my coffee get snatched from my hand. I turn my head to see Mattia behind me, giving me a wink as he drinks from the cup.

"Do any of you guys have your own coffee?" I try to get my cup back but he brings his arm up, pulling it out of reach. He just laughs as I try my best to jump up and reach it. 

"Mattia!" I continue to jump up and down. His eyes trail down to my chest and then back up to my face. I let my jaw drop in shock, making him laugh even harder. I take that chance to snatch my drink back and give him a punch to the arm.

"Ow!" He continues to laugh.

"Horny bitch." I smile, following the rest of the group into the school. 

The day goes by excruciatingly slow, but we finally finish the day. All of us leave the building, excited as ever. Everyone sprints to my car and we pile in, ready to make our big plans for the however-long period we're going to be spending together. 

"I have the best idea, guys." Our attention is drawn to Ale," We should all go to that spot on the lake with the rope swing. It's right by Bibi's house." I feel my stomach drop at the word "lake". Sometime in my childhood, I had an incident when my Mom and I visited that lake during the winter. I decided to walk on the frozen water while my mom watched me, sliding around on the surface and dancing all over the ice. As I started to run back towards my mom, the ice cracked and I plummeted into the freezing water. I survived...but I haven't been able to look at that lake since. 

"That sounds like so much fun! Let's do it." Tate says excitedly. The rest of them agree to the idea but I can't bring myself to protest. I haven't even told my own best friend about my trauma. She looks at me with a big smile and I try to return it the best I could. 

"We'll meet at your house soon." Mattia rubs my arm, making me flinch as the boys leave the car. I feel Tate's stare burning the side of my face as my hands shakily put the key into the ignition. I give her a small smile but she can see right through my lies. I begin to drive off.

"Is something wrong? You look kinda shaken up." I try to swallow the lump in my throat.

"Ye-yeah I'm fine. I just can't believe high school's over, you know?"

"Yeah I feel you." I could tell in her voice she didn't believe my excuse, but she didn't bother to push it and took her gaze out the window. I quietly sigh, trying to grip the steering wheel so she won't see my trembling hands.

As I finish picking up my room for the boys, I hear my front door burst open, followed by several pairs of footsteps trailing towards my room. I hear the smallest knock on my door as I hear their footsteps stop right in front of my room. 

"Come in!" I plop down on my bed, trying distract myself with my phone. They walk in and instantly give me a look.

"Uh we brought another friend with us and why aren't you in your bathing suit?" I hear Kairi ask as I look up at all of them in their patterned shorts and tank tops. I see blonde hair peek behind them and see that they brought Mark. I give him a small wave.

"Hey Mark, and I don't really feel like swimming today." 

"Excuse me!" Tate squeezes through the door behind them wearing her blue bikini and everyone's eyes are drawn to her, especially Mark's.

"See Bibi? Tate has her's on, go put yours on." Ale points at her.

"I'm sorry guys, I just don't feel like it." I watch Mattia start going through my drawers and I stand up from my bed.

"Mattia what are you doing?" He pulls out my purple bikini and comes over to me, gently pushing it to my chest.

"Please put this on. Pleaseeee." He gives me puppy eyes and I somehow crack a smile. I just snatch it out of his hands, and make my way to the bathroom as I hear them quietly celebrate behind me. 

The moment I've been dreading has finally come when I find myself walking down the trail towards the lake. Everyone's talking and laughing so I stay towards the back, not speaking much. Kairi notices and waits to walk next to me.

"You good?" His hand pats my mid back.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I try to cover it with a smile but he doesn't seem convinced.

"Why didn't you want to swim?"

"I-I don't know. The lake kind of scares me sometimes." I nervously laugh in hopes he won't ask why. He laughs along with me. Before I knew it, we made it to the lake and we began to place all of our things on the picnic table. The boys all took off their shoes and shirts and sprinted towards the swing. Tate started to follow when she realized I wasn't trailing along.

"Are you coming?" She asks as I sit down at the table.

"I'm going to sit here for a little, I'll go in in a sec." She just shrugs it off and follows the boys towards the swing. I sit on my phone, praying they don't see me or try to get me to go in. I just need this day to pass, pass as quickly as possible.

AN: I'm finally back guys! I know, been a while. This is a new story I'm starting so I hope you guys enjoy it! I know it's a totally different fandom but I'm excited for you guys to read it. Hope you enjoy!

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