Chapter 1

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I walked up to the Black Castle with a smile on my face and a bouquet in my arms. Hanging from my right elbow was a large picnic basket that swung with each of my small strides. I was happy. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and I was going to see my best friends.

"Morning Robyn!" a soldier greeted as she passed.

"Hello Steve!" I replied cheerfully.

"Morning Miss Abernathy," a few younger guys in a troop formation called as they paused at the side of the walkway to wait for me to cross.

I gave them a polite wave. "Morning boys."

Outside the front doors was Sirius, watering some flowers with a pale green watering can.

"Oh Mr. Oswald," I teased as I approached with a cheeky grin.

Sirius stood up straight and faced me. "Robyn!" He smiled. "How nice of you to stop by! We were getting worried because you hadn't been by in a week."

"I had some family business to take care of," I told him with a small sigh. Then a large smile returned as I held out the bouquet to him. "I got this for you while I was overseas! I figured you could use the seeds to plant some here."

The mans eyes lit up. "Oh how beautiful! Those are for me?" Sirius looked touched as he took the flowers. "I will cherish them! Thank you Robyn!"

"Absolutely! I'm glad you like them!" I waved as I kept walking. "I'll be around! See you Sirius!"

I entered the castle and headed to the second floor where the common room was. I walked in with a grin, seeing the boys all enjoying lunch together, with the exception of their Queen who was watering the plants.

"Robyn!" Seth was the first to notice, bounding across the room with precise strides and wrapped his arms around me. "You came to see us!"

"Yes!" I squeaked under the mans strong grip. "I see you missed me!"

Luka was the next to approach with a small shy smile. "You were away for a week."

"I told you all that I had family business," I laughed as Seth finally released me.

"Back up! Give her some room.... so I can hug her!" Ray chuckled as the King approached and gave me another warm embrace. "It was so weird with you gone for so long."

"You make it sound as if I am so important to the army," I laughed but hugged him in return.

"You are!" The last of the group, Fenrir insisted as he pushed Ray away with one hand and got his turn to hug me. "You are the glue that keeps us all together!"

Fenrir and I had been best friends since we were little. I met the slightly older boy due to my family's friendship with the Godspeeds, one of the most prestigious families in the Black Territory. We were close in age, him being two years my senior, and we hit it off the moment we met. Since that day, he was always there for me, watching over me and making sure that I was treated right. Everyday in the summers, I would spend most of my time at his estate deep in the Black Territory. Fenrir and I would hang out until sunset and then he would walk me home. His family loved me as much as I loved them and I was often considered one of the family when I visited the Godspeeds.

"So how was the trip?" Fenrir asked with a giant grin. "Did you get me a present?"

"Of course! I said I would," I told him with a shake of my head. "Here's that ale you wanted so bad." I pulled the bottle from my basket and held it out to him. Then I looked to Ray. "I saw this book and thought of you." I handed him a beautifully bound leather book. Then I smiled at everyone else. "And for everyone I made some pastries using the freshest ingredients from oversees! Their fruit is amazing so eat up!" I set the basket on the table.

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