Waking Up

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Izuku's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my room again. It's been three days since I left the hospital, three days since I miraculously healed and made a full recovery.

 5 days since I fell. 

3 days since I started to be bullied again. 

5 days since I've cried.

5 days since I lied.

7 years since I last truly smiled.

Time goes so fast... I sit up in my bed as I remember that man, the one who saved me, the one who brought me to the hospital, who told my mom that I was being bullied.

5 days since I met him, 2 days since he became a teacher.

I stare at the now blank walls, devoid of any of the false posters and fake messages that I once naively believed in. I smoothly slide out of bed, ignoring the bruises over the buzz in my veins, the anticipation growing inside me, increasing with my anxious heartbeat. Its been a while since I yearned and believed in something so truly.

My former, unrealistic dream and my resolve had already been wavering, breaking down, falling apart. This new desire however, this new dream, is realistic. Attainable. Possible, if not probable. I pull on my uniform, a silent smile playing on my lips.

I can't wait for what Kurogiri-Sensei will teach me next.

~At School~

Kurogiri's P.O.V.

If someone were to tell me that I would become a teacher at a Junior High School soon after I saved a young boy from death, I would've transported them to a mental and psychiatric facility in attempt to sort out their madness.

 I, Kurogiri, companion and protector of Shigaraki Tomura and as a humble Noumu who is a devout follower of All for One, the idea that I would be teaching children in a classroom made no sense to me. Indeed, it would be inconceivable to me, had I not met the boy in question, Midoriya Izuku.

He was a small lad for his age, thin and skinny, lacking any significant fat deposits as 5 1/4. His shock of green black hair was intriguing, sticking out at random yet uniform intervals. He was so thin, that his black gakuran hung off his bones and his white sneakers seemed a tad big on him. He was plain looking with his round, pale, diamond freckled cheeks and large, innocent green eyes.

But there was something about is emerald eyes, something about the light in them, the accurate, curious sharpness in them, that made Young Midoriya so interesting. He was incredibly intelligent, able to calculate, analyze, speculate and deduce information with a simple glance. His intellect and genius were apparent in everything he did, even down to his mannerisms, whether it be his dedicated note taking or his ability to read the emotions of others and act according to what they want to see.

Then there was the...unusual matter of his regeneration abilities. He had dozens of broken bones, damaged tissue, lung damage, and all he had were a few scars and slight muscular weakness after only 5 days. Well, more like 3 as he was discharged from the hospital and back into school.

And then, the bullying started. Nobody, not even the other teachers cared for the small, Quirkless boy. And yet, he still smiled and greeted me enthusiastically every morning for the pass now 2 weeks, just as he did now as he arrived in the classroom.

"Ohayo Gozaimasu, Kurogiri-Sensei!", he said with a large grin on his face, his eyes bright emerald and purposeful.

"Ah, Ohayo Gozaimasu, Young Midoriya. Did you complete your homework? I understand you showed profound interest in it."

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