The Child

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Izuku was, small and smart!

Izuku always smiled, so, so bright!

Izuku had, a broken heart...

Izuku then, disappeared one night...

Where did Izuku go?

I ever so, wish to know...

Bakugou Katsuki jolted awake from his dream, panting as sweat dripped from his head and body, soaking his bedsheets and his pillowcase. He looked around wildly, his crimson eyes darting around his room, as if he was searching for someone. Someone with fluffy green hair and emerald eyes and pale diamond freckled cheeks and small stature. 

Someone who was Quirkless and worthless, who was weaker than anyone, and yet somehow stronger than anything at the same time. Someone whom he hated, and yet, somehow, was incessantly worried about. His chest heaved for breath, his hand coming up to come through his ash blond locks as he breathed in the sweet, caramel smell of his nitroglycerin sweat, trying to calm his heartbeat.

Sighing, he got out of his rumpled bed and sheets, walking to the bathroom after checking his alarm clock. 3:43 a.m., 3 hours before he was supposed to wake up. Sighing, Bakugou walked to his dresser, snatching some extra clothes before somehow quietly stomping to his shower.

"S****y nerd!", he muttered to himself as he switched on the bathroom light and turned on the water, before proceeding to peel his sweaty clothes off of himself. He stopped for a second, lost in thought as steam rose from the now hot shower water.

 He whispered to himself,"Where'd you go, you idiot. Inko Oba-san(aunt) would've been worried sick if you had disappeared when she was..."

He trailed off again, leaving the bathroom silent save for the rushing of the water down the drain and the smattering of droplets against the shower floor. Sighing again, Bakugou stepped into the shower, cleansing himself of all the sweat on his body under the stream of water, before taking the shampoo to clean his hair. Rinsing out his hair, he did the same with some conditioner, as his Ha-san, or in his words the "old hag" told him it was important for their spiky hair to remain soft rather than become uncomfortably sharp and stiff.

In her exact wording she said,"Your s*****y personality is bad enough, you brat. No need for you to be even more bratty when your hair's bad too."

Naturally, this had brought about an entire round of arguing between the two Pomeranians- I mean the Mother and Child duo, with his Father quietly sipping his coffee in the background as he listened to their swear and insult fest. After all these years of marriage he had gotten used to their screaming matches, instead content to observe and ensure nothing got too out of hand.

With the musings of his fight with his mother, he nearly forgot about the nerd. It was only when he got out of the shower, looked at the calendar and saw the marked date, that he remembered him.

He froze in front of it, his poppy red eyes gazing at with a complicated expression. "It's coming up soon, isn't it...", he whispered to no one, to the room and the silence and the cold.

He stared at the calendar more, his face twisted into uncharacteristically sad and broken frown.

After all, what 12, soon to be 13, year old wants to attend a funeral where a precious family friend was to be buried?

~Three days later~

Izuku was cold.

He lay there on the thin mattress of a dark, damp room, his wounds aching from the cold. He exhaled the pain from his body, his faint, small breath misting in the freezing room.

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