A beautiful big day

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It all began on a Monday morning. Sunny and pleasantly windy. A perfect example of a lovely weather in the city of Lagos, Nigeria.

The sunlight illuminating Hakeem's room, danced in parallel motion on his chocolate brown skin.

Monday, just like every other week day, meant school for an average student. But today is different for Hakeem, he isn't just going to school but 'The school.' Suggested by his parents, Hakeem was to start his final semester at the most elite school in Nigeria, 'Bloomfield highschool.' Known by all to be the number one school in the country for it's academic excellence and prestigious achievements. It was really a big day for the 18 year old.

"Honey, hope you preparing for school? You can't afford to be late for school on your first day." His mum voice echoed loudly causing Hakeem to jerk up from bed and dash into the bathroom.
His mum has never yelled twice, once, followed by his dad's and Nigerian dad's aren't known to be gentle with their screams.

Mr Khalil Rammal wasn't an exception. He's a tall, dark and chubby bald man in his mid 40's whose face screams out, "I don't take nonsense!" Hakeem has always respected his dad more than he feared him and he had never hoped to disappoint him in anyway possible. That was why he accepted his parents decision of changing schools even though he was happy and comfortable with his previous school.

Brilliant and bright, he was the best student at Gloria highschool academically and also a source of pride for the school football team. He has always loved football and his parents knows this. He was one of the few students handpicked by the Lagos teen football league to perform at the national teen-soccer faceoff.

The excitement on his face when he found out was inestimable. He rushed through the gates towards the front door of his house almost collapsing face down on the front porch.

"Slow down young man, what's chasing you." His father interrupted. Breathless and hysterical, he gave his father the envelope and stood elated.
What followed was a soft chuckle, not the emotional response Hakeem expected but he was to ecstatic to feel disappointed.

"Good of you my boy, this is huge!"

I know dad, it reads there that the winners gets to meet the president of Nigeria and a sum of $100,000 to be shared amongst each member of the winning team. Hakeem responded hastily. Mr Rammal listened, enraptured by the the words that poured out of Hakeemi's lips.

"Wow, that's really huge my boy. This deserves a celebration but won't it affect your academics, remember you need good grades in order to get into Harvard medical school." Medicine has always been Hakeem's parents dream for their son that was why they changed his school to broaden his chances of getting admitted.

"No dad it wouldn't, I got this. Hakeem interrupted, waving his hands across the air to shove off the question.

"Okay, then. Go and tell your mother the good news." Folding the piece of paper and gently shoving it back into the envelope. Hakeem rushed towards his mother's room and saw her sitting face front with her laptop on the desk. Hakeem's mother, Khalil Adedayo, was a very independent, beautiful and hard-working blogger whose work focuses on empowering women across all parts of Africa. She was recently featured on 'Influential women Africa.' magazine which was really deserving considering the amount of women she has touched with her articles across the continent.

"Mum, can I have a minute please?"

"Sure, hun. What's that?"

"I'd like to show you something." Struggling to hide his excitement so as to surprise her with his achievement. He has always wanted to make her proud of him and now he was doing it. She reached out and collected the envelope, giving Hakeem a suspicious glance before proceeding to read it.

"Oh, baby, this is so amazing. Has your father seen this?"

"Yes, mum, he's at the living room." Hakeem mum was clearly not as happy as she sounded cause she has always seen football as a time waster for Hakeem and wanted him to focus solely on getting into Harvard medical school and becoming a doctor.

"Alright, go freshen up dinner would be ready by 6."

"Okay, mum." Collecting the paper and hopped happily towards his room. His joy didn't last because by dinner, his parents had come to the conclusion that, that shouldn't be prioritized and he should focus more on his education. Devastated by their request but didn't oppose their decision, he accepted to change schools for his last semester. This marked the turning point in the young man's life.

Dashing out the bathroom, he hurried towards his wardrobe to quickly prepare for school. He wasn't at all excited about his first day at Bloomfield but he didn't intend on showing his displeasure to his parents. All dressed up he stood facing the mirror at the opposite wall. A white and black striped shirt, khaki pants with a pair of airwalk sneakers. Ready to head out he picked up his bag and ran towards the door.

"Wait a minute hun, won't you have breakfast? Can't start a big day on an empty stomach." His mum said abruptly. "No mum I'm already late and dad's dropping me off, don't want to keep him waiting." Hakeem said whilst reaching for the front door.

"Alright, bye baby." Hakeem hopped into his dad's car and they zoomed off.

"So you psyched about your new school." Mr Rammal said trying to kill the silence.

"Yeah, I am." Hakeem replied, forcing a smile.

"Remember, you are a Khalil so always remember to act like one, okay?"

*Just what I needed. A little encouragement to boost the morale won't hurt, right?*

"Yes, Dad I won't fail you." Mr Rammal briefly turned to his kid to give him a pat on the shoulder. "That's my boy."

Arriving at school, he got down and walked towards the gate that shielded it. Through the gates and into the school, he stood still, staring at a crowd of students. What could he do? Walk into their midst like he knew what was happening?

Standing at the gate front looking towards the field and watching them. Apparently, it seemed they were having an assembly. "But why here?" He asked himself. "Don't they have an auditorium?"

Confused and shy as to what to do, he kept standing. Then he heard the most pleasant and beautiful voice coming from behind him. "Hello, new kid uhh?" Whose voice was it? He turned back and was stunned. If angel's did exist then he was face to face with the prettiest of them all.

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