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Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

#19; I'm listening to you, I'm just not paying attention

Brother and sister

(Your outfit)

y/n pov

Me, my brother and Ned were sat in mine and Peters room. The boys were talking about Spider-Man stuff. And I was doing my homework on my bed. Peter works for Mr Stark. I work for Mr Rogers.

"I'm fed up with them treating us like little kids" I heard Peter say.

"Peter you two are little kids" Ned said looking up from his laptop.

"Ned y/n is a little kid who can control water. And I'm a little kid who has Spider powers for gods sake" Peter said in a bored tone. I go back to doing homework. Peter starts jumping up and down on the bed and it's starting to get annoying.

"I'm trying to do homework over here. Stop jumping on the bed" I tell Peter.

"y/n you need to join the conversation. It's important" Peter tells me. Ned nods his head. I roll my eyes and just join the conversation. Well kind of.

"Ned Mr Stark and Mr Rogers needs to see our potential. Y/n is probably one of the most powerful girls in Queens" Peter tells him.

"Scarlet Witch" I say under my breath. Ned chuckles at me and Peter just looks at me.

"Are you even listening to me?" Peter asks me.

"I'm listening to you, I'm just not paying attention" I tell him. I see him roll his eyes and smile at me.

"Well start paying attention" Ned tells me. I see my phone ring and I go to pick it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I ask the person. I see Peter and Ned go dead silent.

"y/n is Peter with you. Me and Tony need your help" I hear Mr Rogers say. I put the phone on speaker so Peter could hear as well.

"Yes sir he's here" I tell him. I see Peter and Ned look at each other in confusion.

"We need you two to come in. We have a important mission for you two" I hear Mr Stark say.

"I still don't agree with this" I hear Mr Rogers say.

"y/n, Peter we need you two to come to the base right now" I hear Mr Stark say to us.

"We will be there right away Sir" I hear Peter say. They hang up and I see Ned looking very excited.

"Don't worry guys I got you two covered" Ned says to us. Good thing Aunt May knows we have these abilities and she will let us go. Ned will just say to the school we are very sick and we can't go in.

"Thanks Ned" Me and Peter say. I wonder what is going to happen when we get there. God knows.

I'm sorry guys but I'm very, very tired atm.

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