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#61; I have nothing, you have no idea what that feels like

Father and daughter.

(btw you live in Asgard in the palace and you just find out you're his daughter)

(your outfit0

y/n pov

My name is y/n and I'm 16 years old. I am apparently a goddess and a princess. I have no idea who my parents are at all. I'm the goddess of water. So I'm guessing my parents have something to do with water or something. The king Odin said to me when I was little that I will be able to find out who my Father is cause apparently my Mother was a horrible person and left me when I was about 5 years old. And today is my lucky day. I get to finally meet and hug my father. I cannot wait.

"y/n darling are you ready to meet your Father?" The queen asked me. I look at her nervous.

"Yes I am Ma'am" I tell her. She smiles at me and goes to a guard to guide me to my Father. The guard leads me down to the dungeons? I wonder why I'm down here.

"Right this way Miss" Another guard tells me. I follow him until we get to a sell. I look into the sell and I cannot believe who I'm seeing. Loki god of mischief. He slowly turns around to look at me and is surprised to see me. The guard opens the cell for me to go in. I step in and he closes the cell.

"Hi Dad" I tell him nervously. He looks me up and down and slowly walks around the cell.

"You look like your mother. With your y/h and your skin colour. My eyes though" He tells me and sits down on his bed.

"You left me when I was a baby" I tell him getting straight to the point.

"No I left your mother when you were a baby" He corrects me.

"My mother abused the hell out of me until I was five" I tell him. He didn't even react to that.

"It looks like we have something in common already. We both hate your mother" He says. I immediately react to that.

"No. I don't hate my Mother. She may be a evil lunatic but at least she stuck around" I tell him.

"Aww so sad" He tells me sarcastically.

"You think you have it rough? I used to have so much freedom. Then I tried to take over New York but I was under control" He tells me suddenly getting angry.

"I have nothing. You have no idea what the feels like!" He shouts back at me.

"Really?! Cause for sixteen years I've had nothing! And now I have my whole world! I finally have a Father. I've been waiting for this moment for my entire life" I tell him on the verge of tears. He rolls his eyes. I get the guard to let me out. When I get out I tell him something what Odin told me to tell him.

"Odin told me to tell you that when I turn 16 I can one wish. And my wish is that you're finally free. I'm going to go tell Odin now so when some guards come to get you don't try and attack them please" I tell him calmly. He looks at me in shock and then nods but then turns away. The guard leads me away and back to Odin. We meet The queen on the way and she walks back with me instead of the guard.

"Am I allowed to call you Grandmother and call Odin Grandfather?" I ask her. Her face when I ask that lights up.

"Yes you are. Me and Grandfather agreed with you calling us that. And you may call Thor, Uncle Thor instead now" I nod at her and smile. We get back to Grandfather and I see Uncle Thor with him as well.

"Granddaughter what wish would you like to make on your 16 birthday" Grandfather asks me.

"I would like I would like my Father to be free please" I tell him calmly. I see all of them smile at what I say. The guards look at him and Grandfather nods at him. I see Uncle Thor run at me and he gives me the biggest hug in the nine realms. I hug him back as hard as he does. The guards bring back Father and let him go. He walks right to me and stares at me and then gives me the hug I was waiting for.

"I can't wait to have the best father daughter relationship in the nine realms" He tells me and pulls away.

"When can we start?" I tell him with the biggest smile on my face.

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