7. Happily ever after

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Miku's POV

And so, that's the story of how I fell in love with the lovely prince Kaito. Despite the fairy godmother and me having to kill him, last night has been the best day of my life and things are just continuing to get better. Ever since I decided to become Kaito's wife, he decided to have the wedding a few days afterwards. As for my family, they got to stay in the castle with me and Kaito and they've also stopped becoming lazy. Right now, they're helping me get ready for my wedding

"Relax Miku, you'll be fine out there" said Len

"I'm just really nervous" I said

"Isn't this what you wanted" Rin asked

"Well....yes" I said

"This is exactly what Kaito wanted as well so there's no need to worry" said Len

"Now let's see how you look" said Rin

I was all dressed up with a beautiful wedding gown and lots of makeup applied to my face. You can thank Rin for that but I know she was only trying to help

"You look absolutely beautiful my dear" said Luka

"Thanks Luka" I said

"Now we should probably find ourselves a seat, good luck out there" said Luka

Well, here goes nothing. I walked out into the castle garden where the wedding took place. As music started playing, everyone turned their attention to me. I slowly walked up to the alter as everyone started bowing to me. I'm going to become a queen so I guess that makes sense

"You look beautiful Miku" said Kaito

"Thanks, you look very handsome as well" I said

"Thank you" said Kaito

"We have all gathered here today to share the bond with these two lovely souls. Prince Kaito, do you take lady Miku to be your lawfully wedded wife" said the priest

"I do" said Kaito

"Lady Miku, do you take prince Kaito to be your lawfully wedded husband" said the priest

"I do" I said

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" said the priest

The two of us shared a deep kiss with each other as the crowd cheered for us. We had a grand party to celebrate our marriage, everyone from the town was here. I couldn't help but think back to that Cinderella story, maybe I was living life just like she was. Sure things didn't go exactly as they should've went in the story but just like every fairy tale, it always has a happy ending

The End

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