1. I lov.. no, I like you... a lot

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The night is getting droopy but it's still alive in this small soju bar. The sound of people laughing, talking and soju bottles clinking blends nicely in the background. Not too loud, and certainly not silent. Yet he still can't really listen to what the person in front of him is talking about.

What? What are you talking about? Was it because of the soju I drank? Am I losing my consciousness?

He tried to concentrate again, not wanting to make her upset for not listening to her story, just to get distracted again. He blames the beautiful small bar for distracting him this time.

Why is it so beautiful here? I never noticed that this place is this pretty. Like look at the lighting, the nice background sounds from the crowd, the way her eyes reflect the lights in this room, or her heart shaped li..

"Ya Bobby.. Are you even listening to me? Why are you smiling when I'm talking about the scary part of the movie? Are you a psychopath?" Jisoo snaps her finger in front of his eyes and gets him back to reality.

"Ah ne, mian... I... it must've been the soju" he chuckles a little.

"Ei.. you haven't even finished a bottle.. Were you drinking before you meet me? You're supposed to be recording though?" She becomes concerned.

"Ah no, I mean yes I was recording and I didn't drink before this. Maybe I'm just sleepy, mian mian. Let's continue with the movie, what happened after that?"

"After that the screen faded to black and it ended, and that's why it's scary! they left you hanging in an eerie situation where nothing is clear if it's solved or not, uwa it's cool isn't it" Her eyes twinkles while she grins.

Mwoya.. You also smile while saying how scary it is at the same time. Even so pretty at it.

"Hmm. Good for you. I guess you won't be able to sleep tonight so you can practice harder aren't you?"

"Yaah" She hit Bobby's shoulders while the latter just laughed teasing her.

Just like that, the night goes deeper and the bar slowly gets less and less crowded as people are starting to leave the tiring day and rest at their homes. Bobby and Jisoo walk out of the bar straight to Jisoo's dorm which is not far away.

"Why is your boyfriend not the one who walks you home? Aigoo.." Bobby teased

"Jaewon oppa's house is too far from here"

Bobby didn't really respond to that. After hearing a glimpse of disappointment in her reply, he even felt bad for bringing up Jaewon.

"And it's not like I can't go home by myself either, it's really close from the bar, so it's really safe. You can just go if you don't want to walk me home.. I never asked you anyway" she scoffed. Her speech was a little slurred as she was a little tipsy.

"What is safe from a drunk pretty lady alone at this hour" He said a little bit too seriously.

She stared at him confused by the sudden serious tone of his, but she liked the way he said that she is a pretty lady, and she also liked how he thinks that he should protect her, so she just smiled.

"It's just a 5 minutes walk." She said, still smiling while staring at the building in front of them, glad that they're arrived at her dorm. "Thank you Bobby-ah" she said after pressing the elevator button in the apartment.

"Don't mention it." he replied. "Bye, have a good rest, so you can practice harder tomorrow and debut soon! Jisoo Fighting!" he said with his two fist clenched in front of his face to cheer her.

"You too" She answered weakly, probably tired, her eyes looked somewhat lonely despite just getting cheered.

Ding! The elevator opened slowly. She was getting inside the elevator when she stopped and turned back to face him. Jisoo looked somewhat unsure that Bobby thought if she left her thing at the bar or what. Before Bobby could ask her, Jisoo looked up to meet Bobby's eyes with her eye smile.

"Thank you, really. You're always there for me" then she gets inside the elevator and waved at him as the elevator closes.

Bobby just stands still in front of the elevator for a few seconds. Not sure why he is feeling a gloomy vibe from Jisoo's thanks, and not sure why it feels important. Or maybe he knows why, but he tried to get over it so he decided to just walk back home.


When I'm next to you, I'm a friend
When I'm alone, I'm a lover
I tried to get over you so I walked

- Hug Me Lyrics, Verse 2, Bobby's rap part

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