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But still the Ziall part will be going. Because I don't want to make this confusing. Just some chapters with Ziall and that....... Maybe... Just maybe...... There will be drama!!! I don't know when but maybe it's coming soon. Maybe it will be this chapter, idk. PREPARE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!

Niall's POV everyone!



Niall's POV

What a damn feeling I feel in my head right now. Like my head is pounding. I just open my eyes to see I am in my bed. Good.... Did someone use me or what? Thank god I have my clothes on. Fuck this,my head is pounding like a hammer trying to break my skull. Ugh, I wish this will end sooner than later.

I sat up and rub my fists on my sleepy eyes.

"Had a nice night,right?" A voice spoke and I look around to see a familiar figure standing at the door frame.

"Yeah..... I can't remember anything" I said falling back on the pillow and closing my eyes.

"Maybe you have to be careful, Ni" he said.

"Louis, you know I don't remember a thing"

"But I could tell you something that you'll need. It will help a lot" Louis sat on the end of the bed making it sink a little. I open my eyes and sit up again.

"What is it?" I ask resting my right cheek on my hand.

"Zayn likes you" he breathed out a laugh and I stay silent not changing my position nor my thinking.

"I am serious" Louis said and I yawn.

"Nice joke Louis" I roll my eyes. Louis isn't that good anymore in making jokes.

"Really,I am not joking"

"Where is proof?"

"Yesterday. Ashton told me you both kissed" my eyes went wide when I saw the memories of the last night flash in my mind right here and in this second.

"What?" I chock on the air.

"Yes? You remembered? Good! So I am here to know.... Are you gay? Bi? Or open?" Louis gave me a blank look. His face is not readable. It's like a puzzle of anger and worry at the same time.

"I am not gay or bi or what ever you said" I fought and he laughed sarcastically.

"Really? Then if you weren't... why did you leave Zayn kiss you? The boy is now worried and happy at the same time. Like he's a damn 14 year old high school girl! You have to tell me, Niall" Louis yelled the last sentence.

"I-I.... I don't know" I sigh.

"You simply don't know? Niall are you with me? I am serious right now. I need informations. I must know what's going on. Because if you're gay, that will be a shame" Louis yelled.

"Louis!!! Don't ever judge me by that. You are gay. Don't ever tell me how to love. Because when it comes to love, nobody can crack that word" I yelled back. Unbelievable!!!!!!! Here comes the drama.

"Tell me one thing you know about love niall. You always chat on internet and you blank everything away" he yelled.

"But someone showed me love. Someone gave me love. Someone taught me how to love. We aren't dating but he actually did that!"

"He? So you're gay?"

"It's non of your business... Leave me alone and get out of my house"

"I won't. I need to know the boy's name"

"Why then? Are you a detective? Maybe you're working for someone as a spy. I don't know. It's just non of your business" I stood up.

"Well, I hope it's Zayn. Because the boy will be get hurt if you didn't tell him you loved him back"

"Louis. You crossed the line" another voice said and I just face-palm. Ugh, they both made me know that friendship is just bullshit.

"You always told me not to cross the line. And you're the one doing it. Better be going out now, because Niall is confused and you make him angrier" Liam spoke up and I just tap my feet one the ground.

"Next time you'll be telling me"

"What's your problem with it, Louis?" I asked and he stopped in his tracks.

"Because your dad made me a guardian to you mr. Niall. He told me to watch over you because he knew you fall for any type of people. You fall in love very easily because you don't understand what a word that's called love means" he yelled for the last time and went out of my house.

I just fall on the ground and put my face in my hands.

"Where are you Harry?" That's the only thing I could think about right now.


Very short. Really sorry. Dram is up these chapters. It went fast and I hate it. I am really sorry. But I have to say it's like 2 am in the morning and I can't keep my eyes open. I promise I'll be doing one later today. Sorry...........

-Nancy xoxo

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