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Hey everyone, how are you ?......Ha okay time to cut the bullshit -.- the names Asia. And I'm guessing y'all want one of those introduction, am I right ? Of course I am. anyway as you know my name is Asia. I'm 17 and a senior 👏 turnupp. I'm Puerto Rican and Native American 😂 I know a crazy ass mix. Uhh let's see I'm 5'2 but don't let the fun size fool you I'm quick to tear dat ass up. Anyway I have waist long brown hair with blonde tips when is straight, when in it's natural state it's a curly mess and don't get shit fucked up it's all MINE. I don't play that weave shit.(nothing against people who wear weave some of y'all look good with it. It's just not for me) Most don't like me for one of two reasons
1. My mouth is crazy meaning I tell it how it is
2. I'm rich and live with both my parents. To them I seem spoiled but to me money ain't everything
As said I live with both my parents my Daddy is full Puerto Rican and my mom is full Native American. And I guess by that last thing you can tell who's my favorite parent ? Hell yess I'm a DADDY'S GIRL. An I know what your thinking, if I'm Spanish why don't I call my daddy, Papi ? Well to my that shits just weird especially since my mom calls him that in the bedroom -.- trust me I know.
An-tee-way I'm an only child an the only outside people I really trust is my Bestfriends Kayla and Jeremy them niggas ? Are my main . Kayla is a light skin full black girl with mid back blonde weave ✋ it looks good on her and she's 5'6 and happens to be single. Jeremy on the other hand is full Puerto Rican who's 6'0 with hazel eyes...mmm that boy is pure yummy. And NO I DONT LIKE HIM. Thank you 👌 anyway I think y'all get the point. Hell this was kinda fun explainin my life. You wanna know more ? Read on then bitch ✌️
Picture of Asia ❤️
Well there you have it my first time writing on Wattpad so please
Thanks loves ❤️

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