Oh Hell Nah !

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Chapter 1
Head bitch aka Asia's POV

'Boy you so special, I don't mind being disrespectful. Boy you so special, I don't mind being disrespectf-'
"Shit." I swear under my breath. stupid ass alarm clock just had to go and fuck shit up. Waking a mixed bitch up and shit. "Fuck it." I mutter to myself I'm already up may as well get ready. And with that I get my lazy ass up and walk my fun sized ass across my pink glittery room to my pink sparkly in-suite bathroom. Yess I love pink. Problem ? Oh I didn't think so. After my half hours shower I decide I'm leave this shit I call hair, curly. Ain't nobody got time for that shit. Walking my high yellow ass to my walk in closet I choose my outfit for the day. "Hmm what to wear" I whisper to myself. "Awe shit I know just what to wear." I shout in happiness. "Lil girl ya better slow ya role before you catch an ass whoopin you ain't to told." my mom said from the doorway. "Now hurry up and get dressed me and Papi have a surprise for you" and with that she turned around closed my door and left. See what I mean with all that 'Papi' shit ? Hell no I'll stick to calling him daddy. After I put on my dark blue high waisted skinny jeans, Black long sleeve half shirt and my Taxi 12's. I sat at my vanity table and applied lip gloss. It's the only make up I use. Looking at myself in my floor to ceiling mirror "Damn I look good." I whisper I just had to take a selfie. I put the picture on my Instagram with the caption 'Don't ya wish you had a bad bish like me on ya team👑😍👅' and in seconds I had hundreds of likes. Walking downstairs I see my daddy at the bottom. "Damn it princess how long it take to get ready ?" He asked trying to sound mad but failing. "Daddy ya know I gotta keep ya rep up. don't want no hoes ever saying they caught us slippin." I say, shit he knows it's the truth he taught me better. "Damn straight little girl." he laughed out kissing my head now come on we have something to show you. Walking in front of him he put his hands over my eyes and led me somewhere, we came to a stop. "Open ya eyes Princess". and with that he moved his hands and I almost passed tf out. Sitting on the hood of a all pink Range Rover was my mom. "Whatchu think baby girl ?" My mom asked getting down. "Oh my gosh it's beautiful. Is it mines ?" I asked seconds away from tears. "Of course princess, I mean who else loves pink enough to drive a pink car." My daddy laughed. "Oh so you think you got jokes ?" I asked laughing. "But seriously thank you guys. For everything." I said hugging them. "Anytime baby now hurry up and get in if yo white ass wanna make it to Starbucks before school." my mom said "Momm stop I'm not white." I whined getting in my new baby "Bye Daddy, I love you, bye ma love ya." And with that I was pulling at the drive way and speeding down the road on my way to Starbucks ! What ? It's not only for white girls. I turned my radio on and plugged up my iPhone 6 going to my 'Baby Daddy's' playlist. For all those slow people out there no I'm not a mother I just really love these men.
Twerking my ass in my seat to Trey Songz, Touchin Lovin. I was getting it 2 minutes later I pulled up to Starbucks turned the car off and hopped out, locking my doors and going in. "Damn." I whispered under my breath. shit there's two people before me and I need to get my ass to school. I guess I have to wait pulling out my phone I scroll threw my Instagram for a while and out of no wear I feel a burning sensation on my tummy. "Shit." me and another unknown deep voice yell that the same time. By this point they pain has wore off but I'm fucking pissed ! "What.The.Fuck Dude !" I all but screamed "Do you not look where your going ? Are you fucking blind ?" I asked fuming while wiping the coffee of my tummy. Stupid half shirt. "Aye calm tf down with all dat. I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going. Look I'll buy you ya order if you want and I'm really sorry." A deep voice said, finally looking up I almost passed out. Standing in front of me at like 6'1 was A fine light skin brother with hella tattoos a little beard and light brown eyes. Damn I can feel my panties getting wet. "Oh hell nah ! You ain't only bouta buy my Carmel Frappe with whip cream but you gonna bring it to me while I wait in my car." I whisper yelled. And with that I walked out getting in my car rolling they windows down and turnings on Nicki Minaj song 'Itty bitty piggy' I was getting my rap on when I heard someone laughing. Looking over I see it's that fine ass boy from before. "Tf is so funny ?" I asked feeling some type of way "Nothing ma, you just a cutie here's your Frappe and I'm really sorry about before." he said looking me in the eyes so I know he means it. "Thanks, it's all good." I muttered knowing I was still alittle salty. "Aye I never caught your name beautiful." He said with a smile. I smirked and said "That's because I ain't never throw it. How about this if we meet again I'll tell you." he looked me in the eyes to see if I was telling the truth. After a few seconds he smirked "aight cool. bye beautiful" and before I could respond he was walking away. Fucking weirdo I thought, starting my car and pulling off to school. I better not be fucking late.
20 minutes later
Pulling up in the school parking lot in parking in MY spot right in front of the school I get out seeing I still have 10 minutes before school starts and turn to lock my doors. Instead of turning back around with a view of the school I'm greeted with a chest -.-. Looking up I see it's none other then my Bestfriend friend Jeremy. Jumping on him I scream "Jerbear. I missed you" laughing and putting me down he says "Nigga please you seen my last week" I roll my eyes "Wtf is up with everyone calling me a race I'm not ! I'm Puerto Rican and Native American !" I scream out at no one in particular. Laughing with Jeremy I feel eyes on me turning to my left my jaw damn there drops. Walking towards me is mr.fine brother from the coffee shop. When he reachs me and smirks I can't help but yell "Oh hell Nah !" And he just laughs "Oh hell yeah. beautiful I believe you owe me your name." looking him up and down I can't help but almost drool "Asia." I say alittle above a whisper "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. By the way I'm August." he smiles at me I guess Jeremy felt left out so he spoke up "And I'm Jeremy anyway A, where's your cheer bag ?" He asked curiously "Shit I must have left it im my room." Going through my purse and pulling out my phone unlocking it I go to the green call button at the bottom and press one and wait 2 rings before he picks up "Yes Princess ?" My daddy asked. Your damn right he's on speed dial "Daddy can you bring me my cheer bag out my room it's in my closet in the dresser under the racks of shoes." I tell him almost in tears so he'll hurry. August just raises an eyebrow which I ignore. "Sorry baby, I'm in a meeting stop that crying I'll be there in 2 hours tops. I love you Princess." He say in a stern but sorry voice."Alright Daddy. I love you too." and with that I hang up. "Really daddy ? And fake tears ?" August asked surprised. "Of course that's my king just as I'm his princess and hell yeah it always works!" I shout looking at me August comes closer "what if I want to be your king. and you my queen" he whispers in my ear "I playfully mush his head "nigga bye" and with that me and Chris walk off to first period
Picture of Jeremy 👌 he's cute
Sorry for and mistakes but what do you think ? August and Asia ? Anyway you know the deal
Thanks Loves ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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