Chapter 1: The Interview

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The interview was just starting and Michael and I sat side by side while Diane sat directly across from is. This was the very first interview Michael and I had done together since 1973. When we were just little kids and had no idea we were mean't to end up being lovers.

There was a huge picture of Michael and I on the screen, on that we took together back in 1984 after we had gotten married. Diane smiled in the camera."And with me of course, Michael and Aaliyah Jackson,"She looked at the both of us."Welcome to Prime Time."she said.

"Thank you."Michael and I said together.

"It encourage me, looking at the two of I have to start by asking how this marriage took place. how it began?"She asked."Let me guess it wasn't over miniature golf and a hot dog some place. When did it start when was the dating?"

i hope that wasn't no joke. i though referring to the golf and hot dog thing.

The camera turned towards Michael."Well we first met, it was in 1969, we were both ten years old. And it was at the Ed Sulivan show, this was around the time My brothers and just started as the Jackson 5. And she was also a guess on the show and she introduced my brothers and to everyone. And then after the show she was back stage and we met each other and actually talked, and I guess we instantly connected."

"And you two became best friends after that?"

"Yes. And I thought she was sweet and loving."

" Did you instantly stay in touch after that?"

"No," I said. " See..." I turned to Michael."Go ahead, you want to say it, what happened when..."I let my sentence trail.

"No you can say it."He said."You have a good memory."

"But you said you were going to say it."I said.

"Our first argument here on this hour."Diane said."Well how did marriage first get discuss?'

"Well, we had been dating since we were eighteen and we never really discussed marriage around that time, but I think it was on both of our minds since we had been dating for a long period of time."Michael said.

"So who proposed?"

"He did."I said.

"When, where?"

"When where? It was at my house in havenhurst after I got out of the hospital from my head injury in 84"

"It was the first time he had ever asked me. we had been dating for six years." i said. "Right, six years?"

"I don't remember."

I smirked."Well it had been a long time, i remember that much.'

"I remember you were enthusiastic about it."

I laughed and shook my head.

" I have to ask you the number of lawyers involved in a prenuptial agreement with these two fortunes, was there one?"

Michael looked at me as he spoke."Well he had to work out some things and sign certain things. But that's very confidential."He said/

"We made agreements on somethings, but there was no prenuptial agreements." I said.

She nodded."As you know the reaction on this marriage, and i know you feel strongly about it. But the reaction to this marriage has been across the spectrum, everything from astonishment, to delight, to suspicion. That it was to convenient. Aaliyah, did you ask Michael about the charges, did the two of you talk about the impact of the marriage on allegations?"

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