Chapter 21: In My Mind

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"So tell me about yourself."He said, we were sitting in his office.

I gave him a confused look."what do you mean?"I asked.

"I mean, I only know that you used to be a huge famous singer, actor, and model. Your Divorced, and that you have three kids. I want to know more."

"Why?"I asked.

"Just cause."

I raised my eyebrow at him then sunk down in the chair a bit and sighed."Well, I've been in the music business since I was about eight, My mother was a huge star herself. I'm from Brooklyn, umm I don't have a favorite color, my favorite food is waffles, I'm shy, and ummm I'm very sarcastic and-"

"I don't want to know what I already know."He said.

i smirked."Well what do you expect me to tell you?"I asked.

"Tell me something I don't know."he said.

"I don't think I'm authorized to tell you that."

He pointed at me."See, you just told me something right there, your a very private person"I looked at him like he was crazy."And I see that your thinking, what the hell right now."

I laughed."So why should I tell you?"I asked.

"I like to know if I'm right."

I nodded."Well you are."

He smiled."Okay, well let me tell you what I think I know."He said."You have had many lost in your life, you was deeply in love and your still are. You follow you heart and do what your first mind tells you, you don't take any risks. And you don't like dealing with nonsense."

My Mouth dropped."Are you physic or something?"

"No."He said."I just pay a lot of attention to you."

I nodded my head slowly."I can tell."

"Well, a man can't really do much, but look at a woman as beautiful as you."

.I felt my cheeks go red."Oh, really?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean..."he let his sentence trail.

i usually hated it when people let their sentence trail but this time I thought It would be best I left it alone. It went quiet for a moment."So who did you marry?"he asked.

"What?"the question caught me off guard. I thought everyone knew that I was married to him.

"I;m sorry I'm not into celebrity gossip."He said.

"Yet you work with them?"That didn't make any sense.

He just laughed.

I sighed."Michael Jackson."

He raised his eyebrow at me."Now I know who he is, I thought he was gay."

I shook my head."Michael is no where near gay."

"Well I guess you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover."He said.

"Yeah maybe you shouldn't."

"How long were you married to him?"He asked.

"Twelve years."I said.

"Well, damn what did he do?"

"What makes you think he did anything?"

"Because I can't see you doing anything."

I shook my head."I'd rather not talk about it." I wasn't to inform this man about my ex husband. Michael wasn't a bad person and I wasn't about to make it seem like he was.

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