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I think something's wrong with the system.


It's buzzing.

Papyrus stared at his phone for a moment blinking blankly at the message sprawled across the screen. The words were clear enough to him, but something just wasn't linking up in his mind. It could of been the fact that the system would of notified him if something was wrong with it, a feature that Sans thought they needed. (Of course he made sure that was all they could do so that his brother didn't come up with any nefarious pranks.) That or it could be the fact that Ebony was the one saying it, the system that they had just installed and Sans was too busy working on future boxes to take a look at it.

Papyrus could manage it himself if he had to so long as it was a simple repair. He didn't have to worry abut any explosions or shocks of any kind and he knew his way around it well enough. However, he wasn't so great if it got to the bare bones of the contraption that he still refused to use the name of. If it came to that point he would have to call Sans or one of the other science designated skeletons. Something he really wouldn't be happy doing.

If anything he would probably would be invited in for tea after.


As the diagnostics rang he tried to listen for the buzzing the human spoke of, but couldn't hear anything beyond the urban city life and some birds. Maybe the problem was inside the house? The scanner in his hand binged and he glanced over the system for any errors, finding none. Even the interior system claimed to have no errors.

He unplugged the system and headed towards the house. A firm knock on the back door had the human opening it.

"Edge!" The human smiled and pulled the door the rest of the way open and carting backwards to allowing him in. "Hows is it?"

He stepped inside and gave Ebony a side glance as he looked over the scanner again. "Perfectly fine, are you sure it was your system that was buzzing?"

Ebony lead him to the kitchen where she began to make tea. As they passed through the living room he silently noted the new shelf but no new coffee table. He sat at the table watching the human putter around before they each had a coffee in their hands.

"I thought I was sure, the trackpad that came with it also gave some kinda confusing alert." She handed over said item and he scrolled through the alerts on the system glad they made it so that different alerts fell into different folders.

"I see your problem." He tapped a few shortcuts and opened up an application before handing it over. "My brother likes wording everything so it's impossibly complicated, in here is a shorter more understandable version of the alert, in short it was overheating and the fun turned on, the alert was to make sure you wouldn't freak out."

"Heh, I guess that failed." Papyrus hummed his silent agreement taking a sip of his tea as he shifted. The back portion of his ribs rubbing against the chair awkwardly and he shifted his shoulder a bit in response. The knife wound was mostly gone, a faded grey mark on his bones now, but it and a few other of his deeper scars tended to dislike certain friction. "You alright?"

"Ghost pains." He mumbled and drank more of his tea, stopping his shifting. He was just glad his eye wasn't acting up, it was bad enough he couldn't see out of the blasted thing much less have it ache enough to make his entire vision black.

Ebony glanced at his eye as if she could sense his thoughts and she quickly looked away rubbing at her thighs. "I take it you got hurt a lot as captain?"

At first he wondered what kinda question that was, of course was hurt, but then he realized it was a tactic. She was trying to get him to talk about the eye she was still focusing on with out directly asking. He might humour her slightly.

"Yes." That didn't mean he would tell her what she wanted to know. "Nothing I can't handle, besides a few broken bones that were a nuisances during cases." He watched as a shiver ran through her and she clutched at her pant legs. He cursed his slight carelessness and tried to advert the topic. "However, my brother is quite the healer, so there wasn't much I had to worry about."

"Healer, like a doctor?" Oh that certainly caught her attention, he could see the curiosity burning through her eyes.

"he is hardly a doctor, no doctor would use such harsh healing or have as horrible bedside manners as my brother, he just patched me up well enough so that I could do what I had to." He sipped at his tea as he watched the human fill with more questions until she shook her head and looked away.

Sans was an idiot and he was a bigger one back then, but after... after he had become captain and their relation was better for a time he wasn't a horrible brother and they made sure they helped each other no matter what. For a time, never forever.

"My brother owns a law firm its why he can afford so much, and yet he lives in the worst apartment he could possibly find." She shook her head again and glanced out the window and towards the street. "He's a good brother despite everything thats happened to him, and leaving behind a big mess whenever he comes to visit." She smiled almost sadly. "I just wish I could see him more."

Papyrus watched Ebony for a moment in silence, hair shining, green eyes flashing gold. He couldn't look away even when she turned and caught him staring. The red that began to coat her skin was such a nice shade of red.

"Hey Edge?" He hummed as he finally looked away to finish his tea. "Would you like to go with me to a cafe with me this weekend? I been meaning to try their pretzels, but I haven't had anyone to go with."

He considered for a moment and then realized his weekend was clear and there really wasn't any harm in going... "I would very much like that." Even if it turned out to be a bust that grin was worth it.

A/N:*****Alright, since I won't be able to probably work on this for the next two weeks and I got into a bit of a writing spree before this, I'll be posting once a day till Thursday and then I probably won't update again till 24 again.*****

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