A Shitty Encounter and A Loving Mother

16 1 35

**Dylans POV

**Sexaul assult included in this chapter! Be safe out there guys**

I look at the plain isles of the pet store. I hear a small dog bark at an unsuspecting person. I chuckle to myself. I need to get Butters his shots. It's been about four weeks from when I first got him and I don't want him to get fleas or anything that's preventable for a dog to catch. I really don't know how to work with a dog. I've never had one before. I don't know what to get or anything. My dad always said if I get a dog, I'm dead-

I hang my head low, ashamed of myself that I even thought of my dad right now. He's not here so why waste my time thinking about him? I try to look for kennels and dog toys, but there's so many. It's overwhelming. Different brands, different sizes, colors, and shapes. I look over to my left and see an old lady ,who seems to be about 60, looking at the smaller kennels. I debate with myself wether I should talk to her or not. A small war inside my head between the pros and cons of asking her. I go against the cons and decide to speek.

"Hello ma'am, do you know anything about smaller dogs?" I ask politely, switching my weight from one leg to another.

"Oh yes I do sonny, what can I do for you?" She asks sweetly.

"Well I just adopted a dog and I was wondering if you can help me pick out some things for him?"

"Oh of course! What breed is he?"

"I believe he's a pomeranian."

She nods her head "I have the same breed" she laughs "how old is he?"

"Well I really don't know. He's a stray and he still needs his shots, but he looks young."

We talk some more and she helps me get his toys and kennels and food. I've really just been feeding him my left over meat from dinner. We become decent friends and I'm out of the store before I know it.


I load the bags into my basket on the back of my bike. I think I went a little over board. I got way too many things. Curse that sweet old lady.

Riding home was a pain, I kept wobbling from the uneven weight on my bike. It feels like trying to balance on train tracks. Finally, I get home, checking profusely if my fathers car is in the drive way. Luckily, I think he's out with Karen wine tasting or something. Usually they never do that but when they do, they're out for a couple days doing stuff that I don't want to imagine.

I unlock the door and suddenly a thought pops into my head; what about Zero? I get all giddy. I can visit him this weekend! I dance a small bit as I take in my groceries. Humming to myself as my mood picks up. I bring the large bags into my plain room with an excited blonde dog. I squat down to the floor as he paws at my legs.

"Hey there little guy! I got you some snacks~" I say in a singy voice. He pants and rolls on his stomach. I pet his soft fur, I take my hand away from his blonde fur. Dust flies off of him and I cringe. "I guess I have to give you a bath" I say, trying to blow the dust away.

I pick the small creature up and carry him to the bathroom a couple yards from my room. I put him on the ground as he waves his tail excitedly.

I turn on the water and he backs up, scared. He tucks his tail between his legs as the loud water slaps the bottom up the tub. I pick him up and pet his dirty fur. I've given him a bath before but he was never here when I filled the tub.

I take a quick look at the water and decide it turn it off. "You ready bud?" I ask him, smiling down at the small pup. He gives no reply, but I take it as a yes and put him in the tub. The calm water is now violated by the small critter and he seems to enjoy it. He pattles around, splashing up a storm. I chuckle. "You're too cute" I stroke his wet fur and he nuzzles into my hand.

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