Chapter 7

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Isabella's POV
We left the base I asked Payton if we could get something to eat in the way home he said yes I think he's still mad because he sounds mad and to be honest it's kinda scary when he's mad. I scoured over closer to my door to get as far away from him as I could because he stared breathing heavily and his face was turning red.
I think he saw that I was getting scared because he was slowing the car down and loosened his grip on the wheel before you could see his knuckles turning white and his face was starting to go back to it's normal color. I asked if he could turn on music he said in a calm voice. As soon as I spoke I was like he calmed down. But anyway the car ride was quite expect for the little bit of music that you could here we stoped at Chick-fil-A got food then went home.

"Hey angel can you go up to the room I need to talk to Jackson" Payton said in a calm voice

"Uhh sure but after I need to talk to him"I said

"Ok"Payton answered

I went up stairs and got changed into the one pear of sweat pants Payton didn't throw away and I know I'm not supposed to go in his closet but he threw away all my hoodies so let's hope he has some. When I walked in I was a wall with guns knives and bats with nails in them. Now I know why he didn't want me in here because he has weapons and probably didn't want me to get ahold of any of them.

Sorry for the super short chapter I'll update later today

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