Chapter 3

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I was fully prepared. I had already selected the elements I would use, I would use only 1 hour of time freeze, I would use shock wave and crush as well. I was in my uniform and I was walking up to the building when I saw this gorgeous blonde man in front of me. He was hot. Like hotter than Bakugou's quirk, hot. Unfortunately, Bakugou saw me making goo goo eyes at the person and decided to be evil. He knew that I had a love based quirk, so he was trying to get me to use it. In the end I socked him in the gut and continued walking. 

The intro was boring. It was basically present mic talking about the rules. Once we were allowed to go change into our exercise gear I bolted into the changing room and bolted back out and over to arena E. my hair was in a high ponytail and I had a grey crop top under a blue jacket. Once the buzzer rang I took off my jacket and threw it to the side. I used my air to thrust me towards the top of a building so I could get a better look at where all the robots are. There were a few big point bots in the corner so I decided to target them. I used Target Crush on those robots and earned me 43 points. As I was roaming around I used a time freeze to analyze my opponents. There was a redhead with what looked like a hardening quirk and a frog girl next to him. Around the other side of the bot was a brunette with kylie jenner lips and next to him was the boy I saw this morning. He looked really handsome up close like this. The sun was reflecting off of his gold eyes and his yellow hair was accented by a black lightning stripe. I shook myself out of the trance that I was locked in and unfroze time. I electrocuted the robot in front of the gold haired man and ran off with 70 points. By the end of the 30 minutes I used shockwave a few times, only used three of my four Elements, 15 minutes of my time freeze, and my crusher only a few times as well. I ran back to the changing rooms and got changed back into my school uniform when a pink skinned girl walked up to me.

"Hi I'm Mina Ashido and you are?" she said in a bubbly tone.

"Uh Angel T-Bakugou," I said, almost blowing my cover.

"Well Angel, I hope you get in," she said walking off. Yeah me too Ashido. 

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