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Shaking off the raindrops i placed Tadashis strawberry umbrella down on the table.

"Thanks for inviting me in Tsuki, you're so nice to me." Yamaguchi mentioned, trying to break through the silence.

"Its getting stormy, im not that mean that id leave you out in that. Besides you're scared of thunder!" I smirked in response.

"I-I am not scared of thunder!"

"Surree you're not... Go sit down and ill bring in some drinks."

Yamaguchi just pouted and skipped off into the other room.
I soon joined him with 2 mugs of hot chocolate and a large blanket to sit under.
We were about half an hour into a film when the storm began to pick up.
I could feel Yamaguchis hand slowly inching toward mine, itching to take hold, as the thunder grew louder and louder.
Sliding my hand into his I squeezed lightly in an attempt to calm him down when BANG! The world turned to black.

"TSUKI!" He yelped, practically diving into my lap and throwing his arms around my neck, causing us to topple over.

I took a sharp breath and clasped my arms tightly around the trembling boy that lay on top of me.

"its only a power outage, itll be fine."
I reassured him, "its just a black out due to the storm, it'll probably be back on in a moment. Stay here whilst i go get a candle."

As i stood up my hand was once again captured by his
"P-please don't leave me..." He begged.
I can't see the look on his face but i can tell by his voice that hes scared.

"Don't be silly ill only be a second" i snapped at him. feeling a little bad i gave him my favourite dinosaur teddy to cuddle while i left.

For some reason Yamaguchi took to that teddy the first time he came around, maybe he thought it was cute. It swiftly became my favourite as it began to smell of Yamaguchi where he cuddled it so much.

I lit the candle and placed it down in front of the Television before taking a seat on thr floor beside Tadashi.
He proceeded to cuddle up close to me and hug my arm for 'safety'.

"Hey you're getting makeup on my jumper...wait... you're wearing makeup?"

"I uh um I." He stuttered, trying to find the words to say" i-its because I have bad acne, yeah. That's it."

"Right..." i added, raising an eyebrow.

Well. This is awkward.

soulmate au tsukiyamaWhere stories live. Discover now