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"S-so... "Yamaguchi fumbled over his words, trying to change the subject. "How did your parents know they were soulmates?"

"Its a weird story actually... They met at the park one night when my dad was using his telescope. They both shared a love for the night sky and got talking. Turned out they both had a moon phase on their wrist that matched to form a full moon. It's rather sickly sweet. They named me after the moon too. "

"Aww that's actually really cute."

I can tell whats coming next and im not looking forward to it.

"Hey... Tsuki...?"

"What is it Yamaguchi?" I asked as if I didnt already know the answer.

"do you believe in soulmates? As in, 2 people destined to fall in love."
He mumbled, tilting his head to look at me."

At that very moment the candle burnt out and we were once again left in the dark. My saviour. Although it wasn't the question I had anticipated i don't want to stay on this topic any longer

"Ill go get another Candle." I stated, starting to get up.

"Ah wait!" He cried. "I wanna hear your answer first."


"w-well... I can't deny their existence. There have been to many instances where its worked out for it not to be just a coincidence." as i rambled on at him I could feel Yamaguchi moving about next me.
"What the hell are you do-" i stopped mid sentence, taken aback by my glasses being taken off. "Yama-"

"So you believe right?" He interrupted, now close enough for me to feel his gentle breaths on my face.
"That some people are meant to together."

"I suppose..."

"In that case," he whispered, moving his arms around my neck. "Can I ki-"
This time it was him that was interrupted by the sound of my brother slamming the front door causing him to jolt back and fall over.

"Sup dork, hey Yamaguchi." Akiteru teased, shining a torch
Right into my face. "oh wow i forgot what you looked like without your glasses. Yamaguchi, grab your umbrella ill drive you home."

Tadashi nodded and bonded out of the room to gather his things before they left me alone in the dark.

What was he going to say?
He was going to say kiss right?
He did take my glasses off... It makes sense.
He asked about soulmates though...
So who is his?

soulmate au tsukiyamaWhere stories live. Discover now