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ava woke up the next day.
she was very cold but sweating.
she felt so sick.
she ran to the bathroom and her knees slid to the floor.
she began to throw up.
she threw up for about 15 seconds then leaned on the wall in a heavy breathe.
milo appeared in the doorway.
i felt eyes when i look up i saw the handsome devil

"are you okay?" milo asked

"yeah, i don't know why but i feel so sick"

"okay..well today i would like to explain to you.."

"ava furrowed her eyebrow and said "okay milo"

he smiled and said "see you later gorgeous"

ava blushed without any words then just smiled.

milo left. his figured turned into a mist.

ava blinked hard and felt her temple.
she tried to get up so she grabbed onto the sink and pulled her self up.

she looked in the mirror "ew.."


right by the bathroom was the window leading to the outside were she could see her moms car and the church in the background.

she realized her mom wasn't home.
ava tilted her head and said "hmm okay then"
she closed the curtain then headed to her room to grab her phone.
she had a text from her mom saying "hey ava, i hope you slept well. i'm applying for jobs all day so i won't be here at all. you will have to make something yourself for dinner..i'm sorry. i love you"

ava ran down the stairs.
she looked at the clock on the wall; it read 10:00am
ava moaned and said "ugh..i guess i will just have
left overs.."


ava turned as fast as she could to see milo standing behind her.

"i will cook you something.." i'm good at it.

"ava was surprised and excited so she said

ava wasn't really feeling breakfast since she just threw up so she went to sit in the the living room.

she sat on the leather couch to see milo sit right next to her.

"so you wanna tell me?" ava said

"yes." milo whispered.

"so basically ava, my leader is the monster you saw. he is this demon that can make me and the others do things we don't want to. i was in the exact same situation as you. i had to watch those tapes..i hated it! but the boy who led me to it was just like me. but there is something you have to do or we all die... everyone.." milo said in a sad voice

"what-what do i have to do?" ava said

"you- ava you have to kill your mom.."

avas face went blank.

"what." ava was about to cry

"or leader will.." and then it will not be good
"the only other option you have is to kill the leader and then we all go back to life"

ava said "we'll it can't be that har-"

milo interrupted her before she could finish

"it isn't as easy as you think.. you need a silver bullet for his spirit to die and ours to live again"
"i have one, but if you kill the leader, only i come alive"

"milo that's all i want. you are the only one i care about and want"

milo blushed

"i will do anything for you milo.." ava said

milo looked at her so nervously

ava was like "what.." in her mind

ava stood up
milo stood up
milo grabbed her chin and kissed her

ava pulled away and looked at him

milo goes "im so sorr-"

ava grabbed him face and kissed him again.

he wrapped his arms around her waist and hers around his neck.

ava didn't wanna stop, even though he was a ghost.

he looked down at her and smiled.

milo said "this may be weird but i think i'm in love- in love with you.."

ava said "awe milo, me too"

she hugged him with her head on his chest and his chin on avas head.

she didn't wanna let go nor he did either.

ava was so happy and milo had never been happier.

ava took a nap and milo kissed her on the forehead and said, "sleep well i will wake you up for dinner"

"okay!!" ava said smiling

milo winked and walked out of the door.

"ava squealed and turned to her side and closed her eyes feeling in the warmth of milo.

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•things got a little heated
•tell me if you liked it lol
•i hope you enjoyed part 5 <3

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