Chapter 3: Replaceable

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Song is for the start of the chapter!

I walked down the road with bags in hand from the shopping trip as I saw the sun starting to set in the sky. I still had about an hour and I wanted to be out of the house as long as I could but I didn't know what to do next. All my so called friends that I used to have had left this city long ago and I wouldn't even know where to look to find them again. They probably weren't worth having around anyhow if they didn't even try to see me. I was sure that they were going to just let me rot in prison.

If I had more time before the sun set I decided to go to my old flat. I was sure it would still be empty because it was still in my name. I wanted to see if my money I hid on that small east end of London flat even though I didn't have that much time. I fiddled with my bracelet as I thought about what to do. I sighed as I realized that I had not enough time to get there so with heavy steps I found myself back at 221 B Baker Street.

As I walked in I heard Miss Hudson yell out, "Rori dear! Do you mind helping out in the kitchen?"

"Um sure." I shrugged and put down my bags and then walked into the huge kitchen. "What do you need?" I asked Miss Hudson as she struggled with mixing something in a pot.

"Can you pour the cup of milk into this pot. I need to keep stirring."

I looked around the kitchen to find a glass on the marble counter top. "Ok," I said as I got the milk and poured it in. "What are you making?"

"Crème brulee, I thought we could have it for dessert for this special occasion," she said and smiled widely at me.

I knew that I was the special occasion. This caught me off guard because she knew I was a criminal in the law's eyes. No one I ever knew was this nice to me. She didn't knew anything about me but yet she was willing to do something so kind. She didn't know how mean I could be to people because I couldn't control what came out of my mouth. I was sure that she would not want to be my friend once she knew my personality. She shouldn't treat me with such kindness because in week she would be wishing she didn't do this. I didn't deserve it and she would quickly realize that. I wasn't wanted by any one. Rori Anderson, always making enemies, people tended to keep their distance. "Oh I'm nothing special," I frowned and shook my head.

"Everyone is special," she said kindly to me.

What I said next was like second nature to me. I had heard her phrase so many times before I knew what to say next."Which is a way of saying no one is..." I then quickly walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. So much for making friends, something I was never good at. I was done talking to her anyhow. I've seen these kinds people before, you let them in and just when you thought you had someone, they leave you with nothing but memories.

"On time, good. Here," Sherlock said and tossed me a cell phone as soon as I walked in.

I got the phone in my hands and frowned at him. "What's this for?" I asked as I looked at the phone that looked more like a baby brick. It had to be at least seven years outdated.

I shoved it into my pocket and felt it start to weigh down my pants. I had no real friends and so who would I possibly be calling? I wasn't going to use this and he already knew that. People in my kind of work did not carrying phones around. They were to easily tractable. Too easy to be caught.

"It's to keep in contact," Sherlock said.

I chuckled cynically at him. So he could keep a better eye on me. He didn't trust me and he would never trust me. I opened my mouth to say something sharp but stopped when I heard another voice in the next room over.

"Sherlock! You can't just leave this cheese on the table like this! It'll spoil!" a shorter man with blonde hair walked out of the kitchen. He stopped when he saw me. He smiled slightly as he looked at me from head to toe.

"Hi," I said politely to him. He looked brave, daring, sensible but also uptight,  someone who wouldn't normally be associated with Sherlock. Then why was he here?

"Hello, John Watson," he said and walked over to me and held out his hand for me to shake it.

"Rori Anderson," I said and shook his hand with a forced smiled.

"Ah so you're going to be my replacement?" John asked with cheer in his voice.

"What? Your replacement?" I asked back, not sure what he meant.

"Yeah, as you might know I worked with Holmes but I just about married about two months ago and my wife wanted me to get a real job."

"This is a real job Watson," Sherlock stated, clearly irritated by his statement.

"Not to my wife, Sherlock, we've been over this," John sighed, trying to console him. "I still help him out but only when I'm off or have free time."

Sherlock had nothing to say to that so I said, "That's lovely, and well I hope to see more of you. Excuse me but I'm going into my bedroom." I wanted to make a good impression but I was a bit too tired to please anyone right now. I was emotionally whipped and when that happened, I had nothing nice to say. I nodded at them then walked down the hall to my room.

I was excited that I got my own privet room. I looked around at the fairly decent sized room. It was bare and simple. It had about two books on the small desk, a little dresser to the right of me and a bed shoved into the corner, right under a large window.

There was nothing here. I was fine with that. That mend I wasn't weighed down by anything, I could just get up and run, whenever I felt like. I had no friends no family and that's the way it had been for years. I was used to it. But now it was different, I was now going to be stuck here unless a found away out of this contract.

I sat on the bed and sighed. This was my home and I had to get used to the idea that I wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

After minutes of just sitting on the hard bed, I realized that I left my bags of clothes down the stairs. I got off the bed and out of my room. I didn't want to socialize with anyone so I was disappointed that I forgot the bags.

I walked down the stairs, trying hard to not make a sound. I heard voices coming from the kitchen so I knew that they were all down there. Seeing this opportunity to hear what they were saying without being seen, I took a seat at the foot of the stairs.

"Sherlock will you get your flatmate? The dessert is ready," I heard Miss Hudson say. I frowned at the wall. Didn't miss Hudson get the hint that I didn't want to have dessert? I didn't want to be part of this 'house family'.

"I'm busy," he said with his deep voice.

"All you're doing is looking at your phone."

"Shh. It's important."

I heard her sigh and said, "John, will you?"

"Sure thing," his apologetic voice said. Before I had time to get up from the steps, Watson came out. He stopped when he saw me sitting on the stairs. "Do you want to come in?"

I shook my head. Never. "Nah. I just came here to get my bags," I said politely with a small smile as I looked at the bags in my hands.

"Why not? The dessert looks really good."

I shook my head at him. 'Make no connections because then no one would be disappointed in you', that's one of the last things I remembered my mother saying to me. "It's better for you and me if I don't go in there," I said and got up then walked back up the stairs.

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