Only Then

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I did ask him with. "What is the meaning of that?"

When I saw how Jk loves the complement I received from the waiter.

Besides the food and the ambience, I enjoyed my time with Jk.

"Thank you" I smiled at him.

Then he answered me back with. "Welcome"

"Anyway where is your hotel?" he asked.

So I told him and we both got shocked to discover that we are in the same hotel and our rooms are next to each other.

"Why we didn't know." we told each other.

"Yes" as he laughed at me but then he turned into serious mood when he question me with. "But what if you know?"

"What will you do?" he added.

And since I caught off guard with his query, I keep on walking in big steps to walk ahead of him.

"Common, you're getting slow." as I yell to tease him and as an escape as well but it made him titter.

He walked fast towards me and we both went to our hotel together.


For our last activity we will be needing to attend a gathering.

However, Jungkook is concerned as he sees how tired I am so he asked me if I am okay.

"But don't get me wrong cause you're still beautiful."

Then he asked me. "Do you want me to accompany you?"

I smiled and said. "It is my privilege." as I bow subtly to gladly received his suggestion.

He kiss me in my hand as we stop in front of my room and said "I will see you later, princess."


Though I tried my best to compose myself, I close my door in a rush because I don't want him to see my flushed face.

I lean on the door as I feel my heartbeat so fast as if my heart is almost wanted to escape from my body to jump thus I take a tight grip on it.

I keep on reminding myself that everything is just a business and not a date.


On the other hand, Jk can't explain also the happiness he is experiencing.

He attempts to stop himself from chuckling like a kid but he cannot.

So he went to his room madly inspired.


Later that night as Jk meets Chaeyoung in the hall way his heart is singing for joy.

He can't believe that he will experience to be with her alone for one more time.

And in awe he can't help it but to complement her and said." You are wonderful."

But she shyly replied to him. "Thank you and you are handsome as well."


As they went together in the party the two heard that everyone is talking about them that made Jk smile from ear to ear.

Then an old lady came to them and said. "You look good together. Sorry but don't get me wrong. Are you a couple?"

They didn't utter a word but they act casually and fortunately she didn't bother to get the answer she wants.


Jungkook - Only then

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