chapter one: Kissing in the Rain

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"Yo Kagami"

it was in the morning and Aomine was laying on his couch bored... alone.. so he had decided to text his 'buddy' Kagami.

"what do you want Aho-mine?' the male asked in a form of a text back, the red head was doing the same as Aomine, laying down and chilling looming his eyes outside to the clear blue sky. hot. the summer was the worst and temptures are rising, the news had said that itll rain soon, along with a cold front. "god... im dying in this heat" the male sighs as a new text had came "im coming over" it read, and Kagami jumped up in panic " what?! no! you dont know where i live!" he scolded as he only got a text saying that Kuroko had gave him the directions, and goaned out loud, hissing the phantom's name.

soon the door bell rang and Kagami answered to see a smirking devil standing right outside "let me innnn KAGAMI!!!! its hot hurry up Stupid!" he yelled across the door, only to soon see kagami in front. " geez Kagami took you long enough" the male says pushing in, while the red head rolled his eyes "well hello to you too" he spoke in annoyance. Aomine then made himself at home by hopping onto the couch and goes upside down with his head touching the wooden floor. "oi Kagami lets do something.." the male says as he watches the other male disappearing to the kitchen to only come back with 2 glasses of water in his hands. "like what?" he replied as he walked over and placed the sloowshing water onto the coffee table. "im hungry take me out to eat." the bluenett mumbles as he sits up and kagami stares at him thinking about it. but makes the excuse of "but its hot..." he whines like a child. So aomine stands up and grabs Kagami's hand "cmon we're going" the male says as he grabs the other males keys.

kagami didnt protest, but blushed... aomine is holding his hand... hes always liked Aomine secretly. they both had lots of common things. both craved basketball winning like it was their lust. soon they were in the car with the cool conditoning cooling their hot faces "onward Bakagami! TO MAGI BURGER!" the tanned male yelled with one fist in the air, as Kagami gave a grumble. and rolled his eyes as he drived.

soon enough they arrived to the one and only magi burger and entered. Kagami of course got his 20 burgers while aomine got a terryaki burger, his favorite. they sat across eachother eating silently and awkwardly. Aomine can feel Kagami's flaming red eyes burning on his face, and blushed in embarrassment. he finally spoke up, "Whadda ya staring at?" he says looking right back into kagmai's eyes with a slight glare "nothing nothing!" kagami immediatly says and looks away as Aomine rolls his eyes and sighs finishing his burger quickly, as well as kagami with his 20. they head back Kagami taking glances at Aomine here and there.

clouds rolls in as they arrive back on the couch of Kagmai's apartment, quite and still until Aomine caught Kagami staring at him. "HAH! you're staring at me again Kagami, why?" the bluenett asked with a pout. the red head's cheeks began to burn, trying to make an excuse up " uh...uh.. so i can observe my enemy of course! so i can...beat you again!" the male says quite nervously, Aomine clearly not taking the fib. "you little liar Bakagmi, tell me the truth" he says as he ruffled his hair in a cute way. kagami only got a bit angry and smacks his hand away from his head. " this is serious Geez Aomine get off!" the male says giving a glare, only receiving a hurt yet angered look. "w-well.... you don't act like it! stop trying to mess with my feelings Taiga!" he says as he headed to the door and goes away with a slam. Kagami gasped and flipped up " fuck, why do i have to be so stupid!" the red head said to himself and open's the door to see aomine disappear into the heavy storm of rain. the male was placed next to a stop sign clenching his shirt over his heart sniffling and hitching his breath. he felt so hurt.... so hur- "AOMINE!!!" a voice yelled from across the street behind. the navy blue haored boy whipped his head around to see Kagami running to him "ka..gami?..." he whispered when soon he was scooped up into the arms of the opponent "im sorry Aomine!! im not playing with your feelings!! not at all! i truely do like you! for all i know i love you!!" he confesses only a gasp and a broken word was said out from aomine before Kagami pressed his lips against the other.

Aomine's eyes widen but soon enough he fell into the kiss and closed his eyes, kissing back willingly. once released Aomine smiled happliy and nuzzles his nose against Kagami's.

" i love you too.." he says as he completes his sentence with a kiss.

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