Chapter 39

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Ink smiled a bit as he talked to Dream. He wanted to do something but he wasn't sure whether he should yet...

"... Ink...? .... Ink.... Ink!" Dream yelled when Ink seemed to drift off. He looked at the other worriedly. "You okay?"

Ink looked up and smiled embarrassedly, blushing a small bit.

"Sorry. I'm okay. Just thinking." He replied quietly.

"About?" Dream asked in confusion before frowning. "Is it about my brother and Error doing their job? I know it causes you pain."

Ink shook his head.

"No. It's about Vigour." He explained. He didn't want to tell Dream what exactly he'd been thinking about though because he'd probably explode.

"Vigour?" Dream asked in confusion. "What about him? Are you... did you have a fight? Did something happen?"

Ink shook his head.

"No. Everything's fine between us." He replied with a smile. Things were more than alright...

Dream noticed the look and smiled at Ink. Ink was so madly in love with Vigour. Not that Dream blamed him. He liked Vigour. "Feeling like a lucky monster, aren't you?"

Ink blushed a bit.

"Definitely." He replied with a happy smile.

Dream chuckled in amusement. "So what are you thinking about? What does it have to do with your datemate?"

Ink flushed a bit brighter.

"I..." He sighed. He shouldn't lie to his best friend so he decided to say the truth.

"Promise you won't tell...?" He asked.

Dream smiled at his friend and nodded. "I promise I won't tell anyone, Ink."

"I.. I wanna propose to him..." Ink mumbled quietly.

Dream paused for a moment in shock before he covered his mouth and squealed, almost vibrating in joy.

Ink chuckled a small bit at that reaction.

Dream controlled himself and smiled brightly at Ink. "When?!"

"I'm not sure yet... but.. would you like to be my best man?" He asked.

"Of course!" Dream said happily and smiling brightly. He paused when a thought came to him. "Wait... what about Fate?"

Ink sighed. Right. He needed to take Fate into account too.

"What will you do?" Dream asked Ink in concern.

"I'm not sure yet..." Ink replied quietly.

Dream smiled at Ink and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. I know you can find a way."

Ink nodded a small bit. He really needed to think this through though. Would marrying Vigour be worth the risks...?


Ink laid on a field, looking up at the sky silently. He wasn't sure anymore if he should marry Vigour. He wanted to, he wanted it more than anything, but there were so many things to consider, like Fate....

The sky was blue with a few clouds drifting by. There was a breeze rolling through the field and rustling the grass.

Ink's phone dinged. But he ignored it. He knew who it was anyway. But he needed some space to think properly about this important decision.

Ink frowned. He didn't even know what Fate wanted. Could he fend them off? He doubted it...

He loved Vigour. He loved his mate with all his Soul. Vigour was his light. Vigour was his first friend. Vigour was perfect and amazing to him.

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