~my sweet desire~

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A/N: QUESTION, do you guys like $uicideboy$?

Your eyes slowly open and fully adjust to the light shining through the room. You take a look around and notice that you are still in the living room but 2D and Murdoc must've gone to their own rooms as they aren't with you. You stand up and rub your eyes, then walk off to the kitchen to see noodle at the table playing her gameboy and eating what seems to be a bowl of cornflakes. "Goodmorning noodle" you softly smile at her. "Hiya y/n are you hungry? Ill make you some cereal" she suggests. "No no its ok noodle cereal isnt really my thing aha, but thanks for the offer! Isss everyone else asleep?"
"Well 2D went out to the store and yes, Murdoc and Russel are sleeping"
"Ah, i see...thanks for letting me know"
Noodle nods in response and goes back to playing her game. You walk upstairs slowly and make your way over to murdocs room...as you get to his door you knock at his door hoping for a response, although you dont get one. You quietly open his door and walk into his room, and there he is, sleeping of course. ~must be a deep sleeper~ you say in your head, you sit yourself down onto his bed and lightly tap him. No response again.
Suddenly, murdoc flings his side of the blanket onto you, obviously not noticing you're there. You push the blanket aside and see he is in his black jeans...but no shirt. "H-hey?" Murdoc quickly turns to see you and sighs "you scared me...silly little thing you are huh?" You giggle at his words "mm shush" "excuse me?" Murdocs face has no emotion as he says this. He walks up to you and grips the sides of your face with one hand, which is forcing you to look him in the eyes. "You...do not speak to me like that EVER" he moves his free hand down to your waist. "I think you desrve a punishment you naughty girl" your eyes widen in response and you say nothing. "Aww, have nothing to say?" He looks you deep in the eyes waiting for a response. You still say nothing, murdoc lets go of your face and sits on the edge of the bed. "Lay on my lap. Now" you crawl into his lap laying on your belly. "Now...im gonna give you 5 spankings for not answering me, and another 5 for being a brat earlier. If you complain I'll add more spanks so be good and take the punishment you deserve"
Murdoc lifts your skirt up and rubs your ass feeling its smoothness, a hard but sensational pain hits and you let out a little moan. He keeps spanking you until he gets to 10, but every single one felt so good, they had the perfect amount of pain and pleasure which made you melt in his lap. "You're gonna be good now arent you"
"Y-yes i will" you sit up on his lap, while facing him. "Now, if you ever do anything like that again...you're gonna get one of those punishments. Be a good girl for me ok~" he lifts you up off his lap and throws a shirt on. "Cmon now baby~ you gotta eat". You nod and follow him down stairs to see russel making breakfast, noodle sitting on the bench watching russel cook, and 2D sitting on the couch watching some TV. You and murdoc sit down next to 2D, you crawl onto 2D's lap and face him. "Goodmorning 2D~". "Aw hey cutie~ how'd you sleep"
"I slept pretty good! And you?" 2D grabs your chin softly "i would've slept better if you were next to me~". Murdoc scoots closer to you and 2D, putting his hand on your thigh. "This little girl has been quite naughty this morning, talking back to me...i gave her a good little punishment~". You blush and hide your face in your hands. "Is that true y/n??? Such a naughty girl, you're lucky i wasnt there~ silly girl"

2D x reader lemon x MurdocWhere stories live. Discover now